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Defect types. (2021)
Book Chapter
FAISAL, N., CORA, Ö.N., BEKCI, M.L., ŚLIWA, R.E., STERNBERG, Y., PANT, S., DEGENHARDT, R. and PRATHURU, A. 2021. Defect types. In Sause, M.G.R. and Jasiūnienė, E. (eds.) Structural health monitoring damage detection systems for aerospace. Springer aerospace technology. Cham: Springer [online], chapter 3, pages 15-72. Available from:

This chapter provides an overview of the common types of defects found in various structural materials and joints in aircraft. Materials manufacturing methods (including large-scale production) have been established in the aircraft industry. However,... Read More about Defect types..

Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn. (2021)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., FOWLIE, A., CONNELL, J., MACKENZIE, S., NOBLE, R. and PRATHURU, A.K. 2022. Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn. Journal of strain analysis for engineering design [online], 57(5), pages 377-391. Available from:

Helical Auxetic Yarns (HAYs) can be used in a variety of applications, from healthcare to blast and impact resistance. This work focuses on the effect of the use of different core materials (e.g. rubber, polyurethane, polytetrafluoroethylene/teflon,... Read More about Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn..