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I really enjoyed the primary school placement and would appreciate more opportunities to interact with children: developing, piloting and evaluating a medicines safety school programme to be delivered by student pharmacists. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TONNA, A.P., ARNOLD, A., BROWN, A., DRUMMOND, N. and DEPASQUALE, C. 2022. I really enjoyed the primary school placement and would appreciate more opportunities to interact with children: developing, piloting and evaluating a medicines safety school programme to be delivered by student pharmacists. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

This poster describes a project at RGU's School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, which aimed to develop an innovative medicines safety school programme, which would be delivered by student pharmacists to an audience of primary school children.

Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M, PIRIE, T., FORBES-MCKAY, K. and GOODHAND, K. 2022. Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

There is increasing interest in the role of independent learning (IL) in higher education (Thomas, 2015). Indeed, numerous studies have found important differences between high and low achieving students in relation to goal setting, monitoring, use o... Read More about Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques..

Enhancing our understanding of independent learning amongst RGU students. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FORBES-MCKAY, K. BREMNER, P. and JOHNSTON, P. 2022. Enhancing our understanding of independent learning amongst RGU students. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

There is increasing interest in the role of independent learning (IL) in higher education (Thomas, 2015). Indeed, several studies demonstrate the significant impact of IL on students' academic achievement (Difrancesca et al. 2016) and retention in hi... Read More about Enhancing our understanding of independent learning amongst RGU students..

Building community and emphasising learning beyond the classroom. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LEITH, C. and IRONSIDE, R. 2022. Building community and emphasising learning beyond the classroom. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

Due to the lengthy (and ongoing) disruption caused by COVID-19, the Tourism, Hospitality and Events teaching team recognised the need to rebuild and foster a greater sense of community within the subject area. Furthermore, the blog was seen as a way... Read More about Building community and emphasising learning beyond the classroom..

Weathering the storm. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WORK, F. and the RGU INSTITUTIONAL RESILIENCE PROJECT GROUP. 2022. Weathering the storm. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

Resilient Learning Communities is the 2020-2023 sector-wide QAA Enhancement theme (QAA 2020), with a specific aim to improve the student learning experience. QAA Enhancement themes involve institutions, staff and students working together to share pr... Read More about Weathering the storm..

Collaborative online international learning and biodiversity education across the Arctic Circle. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRAWFORD, I., TUPPER, J. and OKSANEN, E. 2022. Collaborative online international learning and biodiversity education across the Arctic Circle. Presented at the 2022 Arctic Circle assembly, 13-16 October 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland.

This session consisted of three presentations: "Creating a COIL resource for the Arctic Circle", by Izzy Crawford; "Developing co-operation in biodiversity-related research and education", by Elina Oksanen; and "Establishing a COIL network for the Ar... Read More about Collaborative online international learning and biodiversity education across the Arctic Circle..

General practice pharmacists' implementation of advanced clinical assessment skills: a qualitative study of behavioural determinants. (2022)
Journal Article
RUSHWORTH, G.F., JEBARA, T., TONNA, A.P., RUDD, I., STEWART, F., MACVICAR, R. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2022. General practice pharmacists' implementation of advanced clinical assessment skills: a qualitative study of behavioural determinants. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 44(6), pages 1417-1424. Available from:

The role of General Practice Clinical Pharmacists is becoming more clinically complex. Some are undertaking courses to develop their skillsets. The aim of this study is to explore potential behavioural determinants influencing the implementation of s... Read More about General practice pharmacists' implementation of advanced clinical assessment skills: a qualitative study of behavioural determinants..

Phronesis: deliberative judgement as a key competence in the post-Covid educational environment. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MCDERMOTT, R. and DANIELS, M. 2022. Phronesis: deliberative judgement as a key competence in the post-Covid educational environment. In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2022), 8-11 October 2022, Uppsala, Sweden. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 9962515. Available from:

The global Covid19 pandemic which began in early 2020 is one of the most socially disruptive events to have occurred since the Second World War. It has left a profound mark on the institutions of society, including those charged with education, and i... Read More about Phronesis: deliberative judgement as a key competence in the post-Covid educational environment..

Influencing student academic integrity choices using ethics scenarios. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DANIELS, M., BERGLUND, A. and MCDERMOTT, R. 2022. Influencing student academic integrity choices using ethics scenarios. In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2022), 8-11 October 2022, Uppsala, Sweden. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 9962607. Available from:

Academic misconduct seems to have increased substantially during the pandemic, with a worldwide upsurge in reported cases. The aim of this project is to construct a framework for helping students engage with issues concerning academic integrity and a... Read More about Influencing student academic integrity choices using ethics scenarios..

COVID-19, students and the new educational landscape. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SIEGEL, A.A., ZARB, M., ANDERSON, E., CRANE, B., GAO, A., LATULIPE, C., LOVELLETTE, E., MCNEILL, F. and MEHARG, D. 2022. COVID-19, students and the new education landscape. In ITiCSE '22: proceedings of the 27th ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education 2022 (ITiCSE'22), 8-13 July 2022, Dublin, Ireland. New York: ACM [online], pages 574-575. Available from:

Students have experienced incredible shifts in the in their learning environments, brought about by the response of universities to the ever-changing public health mandates driven by waves and stages of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Initially,... Read More about COVID-19, students and the new educational landscape..

Home-based learning (HBL) in higher education post COVID: an analysis from staff and student perspectives. (2022)
Journal Article
CONNON, N. and PIRIE, E. 2022. Home-based learning (HBL) in higher education post-COVID: an analysis from staff and student perspectives. Journal of innovation in polytechnic education [online], 4(1): practical innovation: beyond COVID, pages 45-50. Available from:

The purpose of this work is to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on teaching methods, focusing on the Home-Based Learning approaches (HBL) utilized at short notice to support students at the Robert Gordon University in Scotland. Building on the themes d... Read More about Home-based learning (HBL) in higher education post COVID: an analysis from staff and student perspectives..

They wanted to know what it was like through my eyes: patients and carers views, experiences, and perceptions of active involvement in the delivery of an undergraduate pharmacy curriculum. (2022)
Journal Article
JEBARA, T., EDWARDS, R. and TONNA, A. 2022. They wanted to know what it was like through my eyes: patients and carers views, experiences, and perceptions of active involvement in the delivery of an undergraduate pharmacy curriculum. Currents in pharmacy teaching and learning [online], 14(3), pages 281-289. Available from:

Introduction: There is an increasing policy and practice imperative for involving patients and carers in health-related undergraduate courses. The School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences at Robert Gordon's University, United Kingdom launched a module wh... Read More about They wanted to know what it was like through my eyes: patients and carers views, experiences, and perceptions of active involvement in the delivery of an undergraduate pharmacy curriculum..

Smart analysis of learners performance using learning analytics for improving academic progression: a case study model. (2022)
Journal Article
KRISHNAN, R., NAIR, S., SAAMUEL, B.S., JUSTIN, S., IWENDI, C., BIAMBA, C. and IBEKE, E. 2022. Smart analysis of learners performance using learning analytics for improving academic progression: a case study model. Sustainability [online], 14(6), article 3378. Available from:

In the current COVID-19 pandemic era, Learning Management Systems (LMS) are commonly used in e-learning for various learning activities in Higher Education. Learning Analytics (LA) is an emerging area of LMS, which plays a vital role in tracking and... Read More about Smart analysis of learners performance using learning analytics for improving academic progression: a case study model..

The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems. (2022)
Book Chapter
DAVIDSON, A., BREMNER, P. and PERKINS, J. 2022. The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems. In Norton, S. and Penaluna, A. (eds.) 3 Es for wicked problems: employability, enterprise and entrepreneurship: solving wicked problems. York: Advance HE [online], pages 41-47. Available from:

This case study presents the Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA), which aims to recognise students' high-level skills development within existing academic modules, as well as providing an opportunity for students to confront problems in new ways... Read More about The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems..

Teaching through a global pandemic: educational landscapes before, during and after COVID-19. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SIEGEL, A.A., ZARB, M., ALSHAIGY, B., BLANCHARD, J., CRICK, T., GLASSEY, R., HOTT, J.R., LATULIPE, C., RIEDESEL, C., SENAPATHI, M., SIMON and WILLIAMS, D. 2021. Teaching through a global pandemic: educational landscapes before, during and after COVID-19. In ITiCSE-WGR '21: proceedings of the 26th ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) conference Working group reports on Innovation and technology in computer science education 2021, June 26 - July 1 2021, [virtual conference]. New York: ACM [online], pages 1-25. Available from:

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has forced an unprecedented global shift within higher education in how instructors communicate with and educate students. This necessary paradigm shift has compelled educators to take a critical look at their teac... Read More about Teaching through a global pandemic: educational landscapes before, during and after COVID-19..

Why don't you tell me what I need to know? Self-flipped classroom and students' personal epistemology. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DANIELS, M., CAJANDER, A., MCDERMOTT, R., VASILCHEKO, A. and GOLAY, D. 2021. Why don't you tell me what I need to know? Self-flipped classroom and students' personal epistemology. In Proceedings of 2021 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2021), 13-16 October 2021, Lincoln, USA [virtual conference]. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 9637355. Available from:

This is a full research paper addressing the crucial element of understanding students when creating learning environments. It is for instance important to be aware of how students appreciate our way of teaching and to consider consequences of studen... Read More about Why don't you tell me what I need to know? Self-flipped classroom and students' personal epistemology..

Context, competency and authenticity in STEM education. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MCDERMOTT, R. and DANIELS, M. 2021. Context, competency and authenticity in STEM education. In Proceedings of 2021 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2021), 13-16 October 2021, Lincoln, USA [virtual conference]. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 9637197. Available from:

This Research Full Paper presents work which links a consideration of the concept of context with that of learning competency and that of educational authenticity in STEM subjects. The word 'context' is very familiar in both everyday language and in... Read More about Context, competency and authenticity in STEM education..

Learning arts organisations: innovation through a poetics of relation. (2021)
Journal Article
GULARI, M.N. and FREMANTLE, C. 2021. Learning arts organisations: innovation through a poetics of relation. Arts [online], 10(4): eight hours labour, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest: what we will need is more time for what we will (?), article 83. Available from:

Arts organisations have had to reimagine their ways of working, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has severely challenged the venue-based sectors and exposed the fragility of the existing business model of the ‘receiving house'. We u... Read More about Learning arts organisations: innovation through a poetics of relation..

Practising well: conversations and support menu. (2021)
NAISMITH, N. 2021. Practising well: conversations and support menu. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University [online]. Available from:

Participatory arts are proven to support our heath and wellbeing, as evidenced in the "Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing" report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts Health and Wellbeing, published in 2017. The arts are an... Read More about Practising well: conversations and support menu..

Using Miro as a platform from student collaboration via online teaching. [Case study] (2021)
BREMNER, P.A.M. 2021. Using Miro as a platform from student collaboration via online teaching. [Case study]. Hosted on Enhancement themes [online], 9 September 2021. Available from:

Teaching in all universities was forced to adapt quickly and without delay when the pandemic struck in 2020 and continues into 2021. This poses many issues for lecturers when deciding what platform is best to use with students, especially when trying... Read More about Using Miro as a platform from student collaboration via online teaching. [Case study].