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OpenAIR@RGU is the open access institutional repository of Robert Gordon University. It contains examples of research outputs produced by staff and research students, as well as related information about the university's funded projects and staff research interests. Further information is available in the repository policy. Any questions about submissions to the repository or problems with access to any of its content should be sent to the Publications Team at

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The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol] (2022)
MURRAY, L., KENNEDY, M., ALEXANDER, L., MALONE, M. and MAIR, L. 2022. The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol]. Hosted on OSF [online]. Available from:

To identify existing literature related to aquatic exercise therapy used to manage upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders and identify key concepts, intervention components, and gaps in the evidence base. Musculoskeletal conditions are a global ch... Read More about The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol].

Exploring engineering students' perceptions of AI in education with the technology acceptance model (TAM). [Dataset] (2025)
ABOLLE-OKOYEAGU, J., IBEKE, E., ONOJA, T., EZENKWU, P.C. and EZEONWUMELU, V. 2025. Exploring engineering students' perceptions of AI in education with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). [Dataset]. Hosted on Mendeley Data [online], version 1. Available from:

This research investigates perceptions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education through the framework of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Aquatic exercise interventions in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. (2025)
Journal Article
MURRAY, L., KENNEDY, M., MALONE, M., MAIR, L. and ALEXANDER, L. 2025. Aquatic exercise interventions in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. Clinical rehabilitation [online], Online First. Available from:

To identify literature on aquatic exercise therapy used to manage upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders and identify key concepts, intervention components, and gaps in the evidence base. The comprehensive search included MEDLINE (Ovid), CINAHL (E... Read More about Aquatic exercise interventions in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review..

An ethnobotanical survey and pharmacological and toxicity review of medicinal plants used in the management of obesity in the North Central Zone of Nigeria. (2025)
Journal Article
ANYANWU, G.O., ANZAKU, D., BULUS, Y.J., GIRGI, J.N., DONWELL, C.C., IHUMA, J.O., ONYENEKE, E.C., BERMANO, G. and STEENKAMP, V. 2025. An ethnobotanical survey and pharmacological and toxicity review of medicinal plants used in the management of obesity in the North Central Zone of Nigeria. Journal of obesity [online], 2025 (1), article ID 5568216. Available from:

Obesity is increasing worldwide. Due to the unavailability of affordable obesity drugs in most parts of Nigeria, many overweight and obese people rely on medicinal plants to manage obesity. Thus, the aim of this study is to document medicinal plants... Read More about An ethnobotanical survey and pharmacological and toxicity review of medicinal plants used in the management of obesity in the North Central Zone of Nigeria..

Nothing so practical as a good prevention principle: lessons from the prevention principle in construction law. (2025)
Journal Article
CHRISTIE, D. [2025]. Nothing so practical as a good prevention principle: lessons from the prevention principle in construction law. Journal of business law [online], (accepted). To be made available at:

The so called "prevention principle" in contract law operates differently in construction contracts compared with the wider law. This paper examines the prevention principle in construction law and within the wider developments of English contract la... Read More about Nothing so practical as a good prevention principle: lessons from the prevention principle in construction law..