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OpenAIR@RGU is the open access institutional repository of Robert Gordon University. It contains examples of research outputs produced by staff and research students, as well as related information about the university's funded projects and staff research interests. Further information is available in the repository policy. Any questions about submissions to the repository or problems with access to any of its content should be sent to the Publications Team at

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Mechanisms underpinning the effect of exercise on the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. (2025)
Journal Article
BEKHEIT, M., KAMERA, B., COLACINO, L., DROPMANN, A., DELIBEGOVIC, M., ALMADHOOB, F., HANAFY, N., BERMANO, G. and SEDDIK, H. 2025. Mechanisms underpinning the effect of exercise on the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: review. EXCLI journal [online], 24, pages 238-266. Available from:

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) – whose terminology was recently replaced by metabolic liver disease (MAFLD) - is an accumulation of triglycerides in the liver of >5 % of its weight. Epidemiological studies indicated an association between... Read More about Mechanisms underpinning the effect of exercise on the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease..

Feasibility and acceptability of PDConnect, a multi-component intervention to support physical activity in people with Parkinson's: a mixed methods study. (2025)
Journal Article
JONES, J., ALEXANDER, L., HANCOCK, E. and COOPER, K. [2025]. Feasibility and acceptability of PDConnect, a multi-component intervention to support physical activity in people with Parkinson's: a mixed methods study. Journal of Parkinson's disease [online], (accepted).

Physical activity (PA) is beneficial for people with Parkinson's (PwP); however, many are classed as sedentary. PDConnect is an online multicomponent intervention combining 1:1 physiotherapy and group-based PA, combined with education, behaviour chan... Read More about Feasibility and acceptability of PDConnect, a multi-component intervention to support physical activity in people with Parkinson's: a mixed methods study..

Enhancing employability through collaborative project-based learning. (2025)
Journal Article
AMISH, M. 2025. Enhancing employability through collaborative project-based learning. International journal of innovative science and research technology [online], 10(1), pages 1923-1932. Available from:

There is a gap between the skills taught in higher education and those needed in the workplace, with employers often finding engineering graduates lacking in soft and digital skills. Traditional university courses may not adequately prepare students... Read More about Enhancing employability through collaborative project-based learning..

Scoping reviews and their role in identifying research priorities. (2025)
Journal Article
KHALIL, H., JIA, R., MORAES, E.B., MUNN, Z., ALEXANDER, L., PETERS, M.D.J., ASRAN, A., GODFREY, C.M., TRICCO, A.C., POLLOCK, D. and EVANS, C. 2025. Scoping reviews and their role in identifying research priorities. Journal of clinical epidemiology [online], In Press, article number 111712. Available from:

Scoping reviews have been identified as appropriate methodologies to contribute to our knowledge. The objective of this review is to summarise how scoping reviews can be used to identify research priorities. Based on our experience as evidence synthe... Read More about Scoping reviews and their role in identifying research priorities..

The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol] (2022)
MURRAY, L., KENNEDY, M., ALEXANDER, L., MALONE, M. and MAIR, L. 2022. The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol]. Hosted on OSF [online]. Available from:

To identify existing literature related to aquatic exercise therapy used to manage upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders and identify key concepts, intervention components, and gaps in the evidence base. Musculoskeletal conditions are a global ch... Read More about The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol].