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Comparison of exercise therapies across multiple tendinopathies: a systematic review and network meta-analysis protocol.

Swinton, Paul A.; Shim, Joanna; Pavlova, Anastasia V.; Moss, Rachel A.; MacLean, Colin; Brandie, David; Mitchell, Laura; Greig, Leon; Parkinson, Eva; Morrissey, Dylan; Alexander, Lyndsay; Cooper, Kay


Rachel A. Moss

Colin MacLean

David Brandie

Laura Mitchell

Dylan Morrissey


This is a preprint for a protocol. The study described by the protocol aimed to use network structures to compare exercise treatments and treatment classes in attempts to identify a treatment hierarchy. Additionally, the large amount of data synthesised was used to explore relevant factors that may explain statistical heterogeneity.


SWINTON, P.A., SHIM, J., PAVLOVA, A.V., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L. and COOPER, K. 2021. Comparison of exercise therapies across multiple tendinopathies: a systematic review and network meta-analysis protocol. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

Working Paper Type Preprint
Deposit Date May 27, 2022
Publicly Available Date May 27, 2022
Keywords Tendinopathy; Exercise therapy; Physiotherapy
Public URL
Related Public URLs (Journal article published in Health Technology Assessment)
Additional Information This is the third version of this preprint. For earlier versions, see the SportRxiv record: