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Evaluating the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccines against hospitalization and intensive care unit admission in adults.

El-Bardissy, Ahmed Hossam Eldin; Al‐Adawi, Rana Moustafa; Shible, Ahmed Atef; Albu‐Mahmood , Zainab; Elgaily, Dina Eltayeb; Abdelaziz, Hani


Ahmed Hossam Eldin El-Bardissy

Rana Moustafa Al‐Adawi

Ahmed Atef Shible

Zainab Albu‐Mahmood

Dina Eltayeb Elgaily

Hani Abdelaziz


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of pneumococcal vaccines concerning hospital or intensive care unit (ICU) admissions due to pneumonia after vaccination. Setting: Inpatient and ICUs at Hamad General Hospital. Methods: The retrospective study included adults who were vaccinated between June 2012 and June 2013. Patient records were reviewed for hospital or ICU admissions due to pneumonia 2 years before and after vaccination. Main outcomes measures: The primary outcome was to compare the rates of hospital and ICU admissions for pneumonia 2 years before and after vaccination. The secondary outcome was to evaluate the efficacy of pneumococcal vaccines against different comorbidities. Key findings: One hundred sixty-one patients were included with a dominant age group of 64–85 (52%) years old. Comorbidities reported were hypertension (HTN), diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. The rate of hospital admission due to pneumonia was significantly reduced within 2 years after vaccination, 71–39% (P < 0.001). There was a trend towards reduced ICU admission (12.4–10.6%), but the results did not achieve statistical significance (P > 0.72). In diabetic, hypertensive and COPD/Asthma patients, there was a statistically significant reduction in hospitalization. Although there was a reduction in ICU admission for both commodities, the results did not achieve statistical significance. Conclusion: Adults who received pneumococcal vaccines experienced reduced rates of hospital versus ICU admissions due to pneumonia infection.


EL-BARDISSY, A.H.E., AL-ADAWI, R.M., SHIBLE, A.A., ALBU-MAHMOOD, Z., ELGAILY, D.E. and ABDELAZIZ, H. 2019. Evaluating the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccines against hospitalization and intensive care unit admission in adults. Journal of pharmaceutical health services research [online], 10(4), pages 427-431. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 28, 2019
Online Publication Date Oct 7, 2019
Publication Date Dec 31, 2019
Deposit Date Jun 24, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 24, 2021
Journal Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
Print ISSN 1759-8885
Electronic ISSN 1759-8893
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 4
Pages 427-431
Keywords Hospital admission and intensive care admission; Pneumococcal vaccine; Pneumonia
Public URL


EL-BARDISSY 2019 Evaluating the effectiveness (AAM) (561 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: EL-BARDISSY, A.H.E., AL-ADAWI, R.M., SHIBLE, A.A., ALBU-MAHMOOD, Z., ELGAILY, D.E. and ABDELAZIZ, H. 2019. Evaluating the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccines against hospitalization and intensive care unit admission in adults. Journal of pharmaceutical health services research, 10(4), pages 427-431, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.

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