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Prevalence of co-trimoxazole induced hyperkalemia in chronic and acute users in a tertiary teaching hospital.

Jassim, Zainab; Moustafa, Rana; Aziz, Hani Abdel


Zainab Jassim

Rana Moustafa

Hani Abdel Aziz


Objective: The primary purpose of this research is to evaluate the risk of hyperkalemia in patients receiving co-trimoxazole. The secondary purpose is to detect the changes of potassium levels from baseline to 7, 14, 21, and 30 days, determine the association between co-trimoxazole dose and potassium level and examine the relationship between renal function and hyperkalemia. Methods: The approach was through retrospective observation of all patients treated with co-trimoxazole during Jan 2012 till Jan 2013. Key finding: There was no significant correlation between co-trimoxazole doses and hyperkalemia (29% in 480 mg, 31.6% in 960 and 19.4% in 1920 mg; p = 0.129) within each dose group, however, around 62% of hyperkalemia cases were associated with significant increase in serum creatinine (p = 0.00). The highest mean change of potassium level in once daily dosing was at “baseline–7 days” interval, while it was highest at 'baseline-30 days' interval in every other day dosing. However; none of the changes from baseline to 7, 14, 21 and 30 days was found to be significant. 40.9% of the studied patients were female and 59.1% were male and the mean age 54 ± 15 was significant higher in hyperkalemia group compare to 42.6 ± 20 in non hyperkalemia group (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Although many patients taking co-trimoxazoledeveloped Hyperkalemia, the effect of age, dose, renal function and the use of other concomitant medications can't be ignored.


JASSIM, Z., MOUSTAFA, R. and AZIZ, H.A. 2016. Prevalence of co-trimoxazole induced hyperkalemia in chronic and acute users in a tertiary teaching hospital. Presented at 2016 Qatar Foundation annual research conference (ARC 16), 22-23 March 2016, Doha, Qatar.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name 2016 Qatar Foundation annual research conference (ARC 16): towards world-class research and innovation
Start Date Mar 22, 2016
End Date Mar 23, 2016
Deposit Date Jun 11, 2021
Publicly Available Date Aug 16, 2021
Publisher Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Series ISSN 2226-9649
Keywords Co-trimoxazole; Hyperkalemia; Side effect
Public URL
Additional Information Abstract published in:
AL-ADAWI, R.M. and JASSIM, Z.M. 2016. Prevalence of co-trimoxazole induced hyperkalemia in chronic and acute users in a tertiary teaching hospital. Qatar Foundation annual research conference proceedings [online], 2016(1): abstracts of oral and posters accepted to 2016 Qatar Foundation annual research conference (ARC 16), 22-23 March 2016, Doha, Qatar, article HBPP1047. Available from:


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