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The politics of alterity and exclusion in the European Union.

Lyons, Carole



Peter Fitzpatrick

James Henry Bergeron


The notion of the human face of Europe merits evocation after almost 50 years of planned integration. What face does Europe now present or represent? A selective and inaccurate representation of the integrated European might be a white, prosperous and loyal democrat, an image often associated with the EC/EU. But Europe represents many falling outside these simplistic images, not least many non-Europeans who reside there, who are politically and economically excluded from the nouvelle Europe. As Walker has pointed out, it is easier to define what Europe is not, rather than what it is (Walker, 1996), and arguments about integration being exclusive or elitist are not novel. But there is a renewed need to question the exclusiveness of the integration process which resides in its increasingly focused discrimination (de Búrca, 1997).


LYONS, C. 1998. The politics of alterity and exclusion in the European Union. In Fitzpatrick, P. and Bergeron J.H. (eds.) Europe's other: European law between modernity and postmodernity. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing [online], chapter 8, pages 157-176. Available from:

Online Publication Date Jun 17, 2019
Publication Date Dec 31, 1998
Deposit Date Jul 17, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jul 17, 2023
Publisher Ashgate Publishing
Pages 157-176
Book Title Europe's other: European law between modernity and postmodernity
Chapter Number 8
ISBN 1855218879; 9780367001452
Keywords Citizenship; European Union; European integration
Public URL
Publisher URL


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