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Solar energy development and implementation in Nigeria: Drivers and barriers

Abdullahi, D.; Suresh, S.; Renukappa, S.; Oloke, D.


S. Suresh

S. Renukappa

D. Oloke


The over dependency on fossil fuel in Nigeria could be one big reason for the total failure of the power sector. The country's economic development which depends on productivity output is in peril due to the imminent energy crisis from gas shortage, vandalism, diminishing fossil fuel reserve and energy insecurity. Therefore, a strategic initiative to diversify the power sector into the energy mix to withstand the socioeconomic development has not indicated a positive progress. The insufficient electricity generation at the highest point was only in capacity put at 5000 MW in April 2015 to support a teeming population of about 184 million people. Nigeria is endowed with plentiful natural resources in which solar energy received more attention due to its potential, especially the rural communities. It is estimated that the solar potential deposit raises to 4, 849, 782 kWh/m2 days for the entire country of around 923, 768 km2 areas. The theoretical framework is based on critical literature reviews being part of a PhD research. The research discusses the motivational drivers to the solar energy development and the barriers hindering the implementation. The key drivers were climate change, energy demand, power sector reform Act, energy security, supply versus demand conflicts, job opportunities, technology growth and market potentials. On the other hand, the key barriers are technical, social, economical, institutional and political. Recommendations of measures to surmount the barriers to facilitate implementation are also proffered.


ABDULLAHI, D., SURESH, S., RENUKAPPA, S. and OLOKE, D. 2017. Solar energy development and implementation in Nigeria: drivers and barriers. In Proceedings of the 2017 ISES (International Solar Energy Society) Solar world congress (ISES SWC 2017), co-located with the 5th International Energy Agency Solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry international conference (IEA SHC 2017), 29 October - 02 November 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Freiburg: ISES [online], pages 923-931. Available from:

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 2017 ISES (International Solar Energy Society) Solar world congress (ISES SWC 2017), co-located with the 5th International Energy Agency Solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry international conference (IEA SHC 2017)
Start Date Oct 29, 2017
End Date Nov 2, 2017
Acceptance Date Jun 2, 2017
Online Publication Date Nov 2, 2017
Publication Date Dec 31, 2017
Deposit Date Mar 21, 2023
Publicly Available Date Mar 21, 2023
Publisher International Solar Energy Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 923-931
Book Title Proceedings of the 2017 ISES (International Solar Energy Society) Solar world congress (ISES SWC 2017), co-located with the 5th International Energy Agency Solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry international conference (IEA SHC 2017), 29 Oc
ISBN 9783981465976
Keywords Solar energy; Energy access; Solar barriers; Solar drivers; Implementation
Public URL


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