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Effect of short-term water exposure on mechanical properties of multi-layer graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotubes-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites.

Saharudin, Mohd Shahneel; Hasbi, Syafawati; Rashdi, Nasrizal Mohd; Nordin, Mohd Shaharel Jamal


Nasrizal Mohd Rashdi

Mohd Shaharel Jamal Nordin


The influence of short-term water absorption on the mechanical properties of Multi-Layer Graphene (MLG) and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) reinforced epoxy hybrid nanocomposites were studied. Water absorption test was conducted by immersing specimens in water at room temperature for 96 hours. The lowest water absorption was 0.4% in the case of 0.1 wt% MLG-epoxy. The highest improvement of Young's modulus and tensile strength were observed in the case of 0.1 wt% MLG-epoxy, where the value increased to 72.4% and 58% respectively. After water immersion, Young's modulus and tensile strength dropped 6.7% and 29% compared to the dry samples. The fracture toughness of 0.1 wt%-epoxy increased up to 113% for dry samples. After water exposure, the fracture toughness increased to 125% due to the plasticisation effect of the resin matrix. Findings showed that MLG has great influence in enhancing the mechanical performances of epoxy nanocomposites than MWCNTs. It was also observed that synergistic effects are not effective to produce significant improvement in mechanical properties of produced hybrid nanocomposites at the concentration of 0.1 wt%..


SAHARUDIN, M.S., HASBI, S., RASHID, N.M. and NORDIN, M.S.J. 2018. Effect of short-term water exposure on mechanical properties of multi-layer graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotubes-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites. Journal of engineering science and technology [online], 13(12), pages 4226-4239. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 31, 2018
Online Publication Date Dec 31, 2018
Publication Date Dec 31, 2018
Deposit Date May 25, 2023
Publicly Available Date May 25, 2023
Journal Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Electronic ISSN 1823-4690
Publisher Taylor's University
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 13
Issue 12
Pages 4226-4239
Keywords Carbon nanotubes; Epoxy; Graphene; Mechanical properties; Water absorption
Public URL
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