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Molecular studies of natural products and related compounds.

Cowe, Heather Johnston de Louvois


Heather Johnston de Louvois Cowe


P.J. Cox


The work described in this thesis involves the use of direct methods of X-ray structure analysis for the structure elucidation of novel natural products and related compounds. Empirical force field calculations are also used for conformational and biosynthetic studies. An outline of the development of direct methods of X-ray structure analysis is given. The implications of recent innovations in this field are discussed. The applications of molecular mechanics calculations to molecular studies are presented along with the theoretical aspects of the method. Detailed structural information is given for several novel compounds, these having been solved using direct methods. The structures are varied in type and include alkaloids, sesquiterpenes and quinones, as well as natural product derivatives. Perspective drawings of each of the compounds allows their structure to be seen more clearly. Where possible molecular mechanics calculations have been carried out on these structures, and where appropriate the effect of crystal packing forces noted. In some instances the biosynthetic pathways of the compounds are studied in more detail. The work involves the use of several complex computer programme packages, and the manipulation of these is described when required. A critical survey of the various methods used for the structure elucidation of natural products is given. An attempt is made to show the interdependency of these techniques.


COWE, H.J.D. 1986. Molecular studies of natural products and related compounds. Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Aug 14, 2024
Publicly Available Date Aug 14, 2024
Public URL
Award Date Jan 31, 1986


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