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Kuala Lumpur city of tomorrow: integration of geospatial urban climatic information in city planning.

Isa, Nurul Amirah; Salleh, Siti Aekbal; Wan Mohd, Wan Mohd Naim; Chan, Andy


Nurul Amirah Isa

Siti Aekbal Salleh

Wan Mohd Naim Wan Mohd

Andy Chan


Urbanization brings many benefits. However, due to rapid and uncontrollable urbanization, the urban environment has been dramatically degraded. As a developing country, Malaysia is facing urbanization processes throughout the country and most of the population have migrated to dwell in the cities. Malaysia has envisions designing smart, liveable and comfortable cities, there is a great need to maintain the sustainability of the cities to ensure that the quality of life of urban dwellers is preserved, especially in terms of the environment. This paper reviews the concept of urban climatic mapping and its potential implementation in a Malaysian urban environment. The key elements and parameters of the urban climatic mapping are also discussed. Since being introduced 40 years ago, urban climatic maps have attracted worldwide interest. It is time for Malaysia to have its own urban climatic maps to assist the decision makers to make an informed decision on the development and its impacts to the urban climate conditions in particular.. It is the responsibility of mapmakers to share lessons and experiences with city planners and policy-makers to bring new planning environments that include climate as one of the important aspects to be considered.


ISA, N.A., SALLEH, S.A., WAN MOHD, W.M.N. and CHAN, A. 2018. Kuala Lumpur city of tomorrow: integration of geospatial urban climatic information in city planning. Theoretical and empirical researches in urban management [online], 13(4), pages 5-27. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Aug 31, 2018
Deposit Date Jun 30, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jul 25, 2023
Journal Theoretical and empirical researches in urban management
Electronic ISSN 2065-3921
Publisher Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 13
Issue 4
Pages 5-27
Keywords Urban climate; Urban climatic map; Urban planning; Remote sensing; GIS
Public URL
Publisher URL


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