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National certification programme for cardiovascular rehabilitation: aiming to improve practice.

Furze, Gill; Nichols, Simon; Doherty, Patrick; Hinton, Sally; Iliff, Alison; Mills, Joseph


Gill Furze

Simon Nichols

Patrick Doherty

Sally Hinton

Alison Iliff

Joseph Mills


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the United Kingdom. It is also a leading contributor to health inequalities; reducing excess deaths from coronary heart disease in the most deprived fifth of areas would have the greatest impact on the life expectancy gap in England. Cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) is a multifaceted secondary prevention programme that aims to improve outcomes for people with CVD, with strong evidence of clinical and cost-effectiveness; it is also recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Despite its strong evidence-based and existing standards for service delivery, it has become apparent from NACR reports over recent years that CR is not delivered equitably across the United Kingdom. Although there are exemplary programmes, many clearly find the BACPR standards for CR delivery to be aspirational. Additionally, it is difficult for commissioners, service leads and patients to know whether a particular CR programme does meet minimum standards. Concerns about the quality of some CR programme delivery led the BACPR council and the team at NACR to collaborate on the development of a UK-wide programme for voluntary certification of whether CR programmes meet minimum standards for CR delivery.


FURZE, G., NICHOLS, S., DOHERTY, P., HINTON, S., ILIFF, A. and MILLS, J. 2016. National certification programme for cardiovascular rehabilitation: aiming to improve practice. Perspectives in public health [online], 136(6), pages 318-320. Available from:

Journal Article Type Other
Acceptance Date Nov 3, 2016
Online Publication Date Nov 3, 2016
Publication Date Nov 30, 2016
Deposit Date Dec 4, 2023
Publicly Available Date Dec 4, 2023
Journal Perspectives in public health
Print ISSN 1757-9139
Electronic ISSN 1757-9147
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 136
Issue 6
Pages 318-320
Keywords Cardiovascular rehabilitation; Health care services; Health care management; Service accrediation
Public URL