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Gaining more from doing less? The effects of a one-week deload period during supervised resistance training on muscular adaptations.

Coleman, Max; Burke, Ryan; Augustin, Francesca; Piñero, Alec; Maldonado, Jaime; Fisher, James P.; Israetel, Michael; Androulakis-Korakakis, Patroklos; Swinton, Paul A.; Oberlin, Douglas J.; Schoenfeld, Brad J.


Max Coleman

Ryan Burke

Francesca Augustin

Alec Piñero

Jaime Maldonado

James P. Fisher

Michael Israetel

Patroklos Androulakis-Korakakis

Douglas J. Oberlin

Brad J. Schoenfeld


Based on emerging evidence that brief periods of cessation from resistance training (RT) may re-sensitize muscle to anabolic stimuli, we aimed to investigate how a 1-week deload interval at the midpoint of a 9-week RT program affected muscular adaptations in resistance-trained individuals. Thirty-nine young men (n=29) and women (n=10) were randomly assigned to one of two experimental, parallel groups: An experimental group that abstained from RT for 1 week at the midpoint of a 9-week, high-volume RT program (DELOAD) or a traditional training group that performed the same RT program continuously over the study period (TRAD). The lower body routines were directly supervised by the research staff while upper body training was carried out in an unsupervised fashion. Muscle growth outcomes included assessments of muscle thickness along proximal, mid and distal regions of the middle and lateral quadriceps femoris as well as the mid-region of the triceps surae. Adaptations in lower body isometric and dynamic strength, local muscular endurance of the quadriceps, and lower body muscle power were also assessed. Results indicated no appreciable differences in increases of lower body muscle size, local endurance, and power between groups. Alternatively, TRAD showed greater improvements in both isometric and dynamic lower body strength compared to DELOAD. Additionally, TRAD showed some slight psychological benefits as assessed by the readiness to train questionnaire over DELOAD. In conclusion, our findings suggest that a 1-week deload period at the midpoint of a 9-week RT program appears to negatively influence measures of lower body muscle strength but has no effect on lower body hypertrophy, power or local muscular endurance.


COLEMAN, M., BURKE, R., AUGUSTIN, F., PIÑERO, A., MALDONADO, J., FISHER, J.P., ISRAETEL, M., ANDROULAKIS-KORAKAKIS, P., SWINTON, P.A., OBERLIN, D.J. and SCHOENFELD, B.J. 2024. Gaining more from doing less? The effects of a one-week deload period during supervised resistance training on muscular adaptations. PeerJ [online], 12, e16777. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 18, 2023
Online Publication Date Jan 22, 2024
Publication Date Jan 22, 2024
Deposit Date Dec 21, 2023
Publicly Available Date Dec 21, 2023
Journal PeerJ
Electronic ISSN 2167-8359
Publisher PeerJ
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 12
Article Number e16777
Keywords Resistance training; Strength training; Hypertrophy; Muscle endurance; Detraining; Strength; Resensitize
Public URL


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