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BIM solutions for construction lifecycle: a myth or a tangible future?

Papadonikolaki, E.; Leon, Marianthi; Mahamadu, A.M.


E. Papadonikolaki

Marianthi Leon

A.M. Mahamadu


Jan Karlsh�j

Raimar Scherer


Building information Modelling (BIM) lies at the centre of construction industry’s interest nowadays, with a revolutionary impact on the ways that professionals work, collaborate and conduct business. The application of BIM is not as straightforward as it sounds though, with numerous software solutions available, various implementation processes across the project lifecycle, which challenges the interoperability and how information flows throughout the various project stages. This paper performs and presents a systematic review of the BIM software landscape currently available for the construction industry across the various project phases and in alignment with the 2013 RIBA Plan of Works. A gap analysis is conducted among these BIM solutions to examine the different software application areas, software architecture, interoperability possibilities, accessibility and affordability, by applying descriptive statistics. Surprisingly, the BIM software ecosystem is fragmented across the different project stages and highly proprietary and further hindered by the large number of specialised and highly sophisticated solutions addressed to advanced computer users. To this end, the paper aims to inform the industry’s stakeholders, policy makers and software vendors, while shedding light on the extent that sophisticated BIM solutions can be disseminated to the market.


PAPADONIKOLAKI, E., LEON, M. and MAHAMADU, A.M. 2018. BIM solutions for construction lifecycle: a myth or a tangible future? In Karlshoj, J. and Scherer, R (eds.) eWork and ebusiness in architecture, engineering and construction: proceedings of the 12th European conference on product and process modelling 2018 (ECPPM 2018), 12-14 September 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pages 321-328. Available from:

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 12th European conference on product and process modelling 2018 (ECPPM 2018)
Start Date Sep 12, 2018
End Date Sep 14, 2018
Acceptance Date May 15, 2018
Online Publication Date Sep 3, 2018
Publication Date Aug 21, 2018
Deposit Date Mar 11, 2019
Publicly Available Date Feb 22, 2020
Publisher CRC Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 321-328
Book Title eWork and ebusiness in architecture, engineering and construction.
ISBN 9781138584136
Keywords Building information Modelling (BIM); Lifecycle; Digital twin; Software; Interoperability
Public URL
Contract Date Apr 4, 2019


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