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Parkinson's Beats at the World Parkinson's Congress in Barcelona. [Podcast]

Jones, Julie; Macfarlane, Helga; Holland, Jo; Williams, Alison


Helga Macfarlane

Jo Holland

Alison Williams


In this podcast episode, you can hear Helga Macfarlane chat to Jo Holland and Alison Williams, who have been involved with the Parkinson's Beats programme. As Julie Jones explains, it is widely accepted that exercise is beneficial for people living with Parkinson's, but finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and can do regularly can be challenging. Parkinson's Beats is a form of cardio drumming, which has been adapted to meet the needs of people with Parkinson's. Jo Holland attended a local cardio drumming class and fell in love with this form of exercise. Since then, she has been successful at securing funding from Parkinson's UK and the National lottery to set up the delivery of Parkinson's Beats, and now has classes twice a week, either face to face or online. The online class has people attending from all over Scotland, the wider UK and even overseas. Parkinson's Beats can be done sitting or standing, and incorporates aerobic exercise, large amplitude movements, auditory cues as well as cognitive or thinking challenge. Anecdotally, attendees reported physical and psychological and emotional benefits. Jo has since teamed up with other people with Parkinson's and researchers to evaluate the impact of Parkinson's Beats among those who participate regularly in the programme. The evaluation was funded by a small grant from Parkinson's UK, and the recent findings were presented at the World Parkinson's Congress by Jo Holland and Julie Jones.


JONES, J., MACFARLANE, H., HOLLAND, J. and WILLIAMS, A. 2023. Parkinson's Beats at the World Parkinson's Congress in Barcelona. [Podcast]. North of Scotland Parkinson's Research Interest Group (NoSPRIG) podcast, series 1 (episode 8). Hosted on PodBean [online]. Available from:

Digital Artefact Type Audio
Deposit Date Jun 4, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jun 4, 2024
Keywords Parkinson's disease; Exercise therapy; Physical therapy; Cardio drumming
Public URL
External URL


NoSPRIG podcast S01E08 (81.9 Mb)

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