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A systematic review of the adoption and acceptance of eHealth in Saudi Arabia: views of multiple stakeholders.

Alshahrani, Abdullah; Stewart, Derek; MacLure, Katie


Abdullah Alshahrani

Derek Stewart

Katie MacLure


Background: eHealth is defined as “the use of information and communication technology for health”. Adoption and acceptance are key concepts to measure the level of eHealth impact. The aim of this systematic review was to critically appraise, synthesise and present evidence of the status of eHealth adoption and acceptance in Saudi Arabia from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders. Methods: Based on a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P) guided protocol published with the international prospective register of systematic reviews (Prospero), five databases were searched for articles published between 1993 and 2017. Inclusion and exclusion criteria of studies were applied in which only peer-reviewed, full-text primary research articles in English language were included. One reviewer performed the searches; two reviewers independently screened the titles then abstracts followed by full articles. Studies excluded were recorded with reasons. Critical appraisal tools appropriate to study design were applied. Eleven items from every study were extracted for further synthesis. Results: After duplicates were removed, 110 papers were screened, and 15 studies met the inclusion criteria. Studies were generally of good quality. Thirty-nine factors were identified as influences affecting the adoption and acceptance of eHealth in Saudi Arabia. Lack of eHealth studies from the perspective of health managers and the limitation of studies to few geographical areas were identified as knowledge gaps. Conclusion: eHealth field in Saudi Arabia showed evidence of continual growth in both publications and awareness of significance. Therefore, findings from this review may help key professionals to address the current challenges and barriers and prioritise the main areas for improvement.


ALSHAHRANI, A., STEWART, D. and MACLURE, K. 2019. A systematic review of the adoption and acceptance of eHealth in Saudi Arabia: views of multiple stakeholders. International journal of medical informatics [online], 128, pages 7-17. Available from:

Journal Article Type Review
Acceptance Date May 9, 2019
Online Publication Date May 13, 2019
Publication Date Aug 31, 2019
Deposit Date May 23, 2019
Publicly Available Date May 14, 2020
Journal International journal of medical informatics
Print ISSN 1386-5056
Electronic ISSN 1872-8243
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 128
Pages 7-17
Keywords eHealth; Telemedicine; Electronic health record; Electronic medical record; Acceptance; Adoption; Saudi Arabia
Public URL
Contract Date May 24, 2019


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