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Assessment of tigecycline prescription and patients' outcomes at three different hospitals in Saudi Arabia.

Tobaiqy, Mansour; Al Humaid, Saad; Stewart, Derek; Alotaibi, Fayez Omear; Qureshi, Kamal Ahmad; MacLure, Katie; Algharib, Fahad; Alsameti, Ahmed; Alsaqer, Ahmed; Almeman, Ahmad


Mansour Tobaiqy

Saad Al Humaid

Derek Stewart

Fayez Omear Alotaibi

Kamal Ahmad Qureshi

Katie MacLure

Fahad Algharib

Ahmed Alsameti

Ahmed Alsaqer

Ahmad Almeman


The purpose of this study is to investigate tigecycline prescription and patient outcomes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A retrospective observational study was conducted in three KSA government hospitals, between January, 2013 and May, 2014. The patients were identified from electronic prescription records; data were retrieved by trained researchers. Thirty-seven patients who received tigecycline were included (mean age, 52.5 years; range, 17 92); 51.4 % were female. Tigecycline was prescribed for sepsis (59.5 %), pneumonia (21.6 %), and/or intra-abdominal infections (13.5 %). The majority of the patients (86.5 %) were prescribed tigecycline in intensive care unit (ICU) and the remaining patients were in the general medical ward. APCHE II score at the beginning of treatment was 16.8 ± 4.3, indicating severe disease. Susceptibility testing revealed 22 different bacterial pathogens, most commonly Acinetobacter baumannii (20 patients) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (14 patients). A significant proportion (56.7 %) was polymicrobial and 16.2 % involved suspected resistant pathogens. Sixteen patients recovered (5 on tigecycline alone, 5 with additional antimicrobials, and six switched to alternatives) while 21 patients died (nine on tigecycline alone, 12 with additional antimicrobials). The study revealed that tigecycline prescription was conducted according to marketing authorizations and national guidelines. Infection severity/stage and comorbidities may influence patients’ response, and explain some of the poor outcomes.


TOBAIQY, M., AL HUMAID, S., STEWART, D., ALOTAIBI, F.O., QURESHI, K.A., MACLURE, K., ALGHARIB, F., ALSMETI, A., ALSAQER, A. and ALMEMAN, A. 2015. Assessment of tigecycline prescription and patients' outcomes at three different hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Tropical journal of pharmaceutical research [online], 14(10), pages 1919-1926. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 6, 2015
Online Publication Date Oct 31, 2015
Publication Date Oct 31, 2015
Deposit Date Jun 1, 2016
Publicly Available Date Nov 1, 2016
Journal Tropical journal of pharmaceutical research
Print ISSN 1596-5996
Electronic ISSN 1596-9827
Publisher Pharmaceutical Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 14
Issue 10
Pages 1919-1926
Keywords Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Prescription patterns; Mortality; Tigecycline; Antimicrobial
Public URL
Contract Date Jun 1, 2016


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