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Web 2.0 for eParticipation: transformational tweeting or devaluation of democracy?

Tait, Elizabeth


Elizabeth Tait


Kathryn Kloby

Maria J. D'Agostino


Recent developments in social media allow people to communicate and share information instantly and have led to speculation about the potential for increased citizen participation in decision making. However, as with other developments in ICT, social media is not used by everyone, and there is a danger of certain groups being excluded. Further, if social media tools are to be used by government institutions, there needs to be new internal processes put in place to ensure that the participation is meaningful. This chapter will critically evaluate and analyse the role of Web 2.0 tools (such as social networking services) for facilitating democratic participation, investigate and evaluate the development of Web 2.0 tools for eParticipation, and determine how they can be used to facilitate meaningful political participation.


TAIT, E. 2012. Web 2.0 for eParticipation: transformational tweeting or devaluation of democracy? In Kloby, K. and D'Agostino, M.J. (eds.) Citizen 2.0: public and governmental interaction through web 2.0 technolgies. Hershey, PA: IGI Global [online], chapter 12, pages 224-249. Available from:

Online Publication Date Mar 31, 2012
Publication Date Dec 31, 2012
Deposit Date Oct 11, 2016
Publicly Available Date Oct 11, 2016
Publisher IGI Global
Pages 224-249
Book Title Citizen 2.0: public and governmental interaction through web 2.0 technolgies
Chapter Number Chapter 12
ISBN 9781466603189
Keywords Social media; Decision making; Democratic participation; Political participation
Public URL
Contract Date Oct 11, 2016


TAIT 2012 Web 2-0 for eParticipation (989 Kb)

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