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Predictive planning with neural networks.

Ainslie, Russell; McCall, John; Shakya, Sid; Owusu, Gilbert


Russell Ainslie

Sid Shakya

Gilbert Owusu


Critical for successful operations of service industries, such as telecoms, utility companies and logistic companies, is the service chain planning process. This involves optimizing resources against expected demand to maximize the utilization and minimize the wastage, which in turn maximizes revenue whilst minimizing the cost. This is increasingly involving the automation of the planning process. However, due to unforeseen factors, the calculated optimal allocation of resources to complete tasks often does not match up with what is actually occurring on the day. This factor highlights a requirement for a method of predicting accurately the number of tasks that will be completed given a known amount of resources and demand in order to produce a more accurate plan.


AINSLIE, R., MCCALL, J., SHAKYA, S. and OWUSU, G. 2016. Predictive planning with neural networks. In Proceedings of the International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 2110-2117. Available from:

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN)
Start Date Jul 24, 2016
End Date Jul 29, 2016
Acceptance Date Mar 15, 2016
Online Publication Date Jul 24, 2016
Publication Date Nov 3, 2016
Deposit Date Feb 17, 2017
Publicly Available Date Feb 17, 2017
Print ISSN 2161-4393
Electronic ISSN 2161-4407
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 2110-2117
Series ISSN 2161-4407
ISBN 9781509006205
Keywords Neural network; Prediction; Tactical planning
Public URL
Contract Date Feb 17, 2017


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