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An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in NHS Highland.

MacLure, Katie; Stewart, Derek; Buist, Elizabeth; McLelland, Rebecca; Shaw, Thom; MacLure, Andrew; Cunningham, Scott; Macaskill, Karen; Rushworth, Gordon


Katie MacLure

Derek Stewart

Elizabeth Buist

Rebecca McLelland

Thom Shaw

Andrew MacLure

Karen Macaskill

Gordon Rushworth


Background: A pilot has been conducted during which a specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescriber (SMHCPP) consulted with patients by appointment at one of two GP Practices. Purpose: To evaluate the SMHCPP delivered pharmaceutical care to patients with anxiety disorders and/or depression in NHS Highland. Methods: Both pharmacists handed out a study pack to patients. Patient study packs included a questionnaire based on the CARE Measure plus 5-point Likert scale attitudinal statements all subject to statistical analysis. Ethical approval had been gained. Results: Ten of 70 surveys were returned (response rate 14.3%) with an even gender split. Most were employed (n=8). Wellbeing was good (n=2), fair (n=5) or poor (n=2). All (n=10) thought the pharmacist excellent at 'making you feel at ease', 'really listening', 'being interested in you as a whole person', 'showing care and compassion', 'being positive', 'explaining things clearly'. Most said the pharmacist was excellent at 'letting you tell your story' (n=9), 'fully understanding your concerns' (n=9), 'helping you take control' (n=8) and 'making a plan of action with you' (n=7). All (n=10) strongly agreed/agreed they were 'confident that a pharmacist will prescribe as safely as a GP' also that they wanted their 'pharmacist and doctor to work together to make sure I am receiving the best treatment'. However, 'given the choice, I prefer to consult a GP rather than a pharmacist' half (n=5) were unsure, some strongly agreed (n=1)/agreed (n=1) but others strongly disagreed (n=2)/disagreed (n=1). Conclusions: Overall, this small sample from a difficult to reach population were positive about care they received from the SMHCPP.


MACLURE, K., STEWART, D., BUIST, E., MCLELLAND, R., SHAW, T., MACLURE, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACASKILL, K. and RUSHWORTH, G. 2018. An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in NHS Highland. Presented at the 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018), 2-6 September 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018)
Start Date Sep 2, 2018
End Date Sep 6, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jun 18, 2019
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Mental health clinical pharmacist prescriber; Mental health; GP Practices; Survey
Public URL


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