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Urban planning and climate change mitigation: using virtual reality to support the design of a university master plan extension.

Bennadji, Amar; Laing, Richard; Gray, David


Amar Bennadji

Richard Laing


Carlos Nunes Silva


The aim of the research described in this chapter is to explore the use of intelligent virtual transport modelling within the context of a case study involving the development of a university estate. Through the application of visualisation techniques, the study was able to explore how such techniques can lead to enlightenment of potential solutions, whilst simultaneously demonstrating the effects of design solutions on CO2 emissions. Such an approach leads to a better understanding of the transport complexity from the perspective of potential clients and users. Although images and physical models of the case study were appreciated by stakeholders, these did not provide more information than their current state and could not help in making funded decision by decision making community. Animated data, including calculated predictions of the effect of design on daily vehicles, human traffic, and CO2 emission, enlivened and illuminated the designed situation, and allowed decision makers to appreciate the real current and potential challenges.


BENNADJI, A., LAING, R. and GRAY, D. 2015. Urban planning and climate change mitigation: using virtual reality to support the design of a university master plan extension. In Silva, C.N. (ed.) Emerging issues, challenges, and opportunities in urban e-planning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global [online], chapter 10, pages 210-229. Available from

Online Publication Date Dec 31, 2015
Publication Date Dec 31, 2015
Deposit Date Apr 30, 2015
Publicly Available Date Apr 30, 2015
Publisher IGI Global
Pages 210-229
Book Title Emerging issues, challenges, and opportunities in urban e-planning
Chapter Number Chapter 10
ISBN 9781466681507
Public URL
Contract Date Apr 30, 2015


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