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The provision of seven-day multidisciplinary staffing in Scottish acute medical units: a cross-sectional study.

Reid, L.E.M.; Lone, N.I.; Morrison, Z.J.; Weir, C.J.; Jones, M.C.


L.E.M. Reid

N.I. Lone

Z.J. Morrison

C.J. Weir

M.C. Jones


Background: Acute medical units (AMUs) are a central component of the admission pathway for the majority of medical patients presenting to hospital in the United Kingdom and other international settings. Detail on multidisciplinary staffing provision on weekdays and weekends is lacking. Equity of staffing across 7 days is a strategic priority for national health services in the United Kingdom. Aim: To evaluate weekday compared with weekend multidisciplinary staffing in a national set of AMUs. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Methods: Twenty-nine Scottish AMUs were identified and all were included in the study population. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews with nursing, pharmacy, therapy, non-consultant medical and consultant staff. Staffing was quantified in staff hours. A correction factor of 0.5 was applied to non-dedicated staff. The percentage of weekend/weekday staffing was calculated for each unit and the mean of these percentages was calculated to give a summary measure for each professional group. Results: As a percentage of weekday staffing levels, weekend staffing across the units was 93.8% for nursing staff; 2.2% for pharmacy staff; 13.1% for therapy staff; 69.6% for non-consultant staff and 65.0% for consultant staff. Conclusions: There is a contrast between weekday and weekend staffing on the AMU, with reductions at weekends in total staff hours, the proportion of dedicated vs. undedicated staff and the seniority of nursing staff. The weekday/weekend difference was far more pronounced for allied healthcare professional staff than any other group. These findings have potential implications for patient outcomes, quality of care, hospital flow and workforce planning.


REID, L.E.M., LONE, N.I., MORRISON, Z.J., WEIR, C.J. and JONES, M.C. 2018. The provision of seven-day multidisciplinary staffing in Scottish acute medical units: a cross-sectional study. QJM: an international journal of medicine [online], 111(5), pages 295-301. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 25, 2018
Online Publication Date Feb 2, 2018
Publication Date May 1, 2018
Deposit Date Aug 28, 2020
Publicly Available Date Aug 28, 2020
Journal QJM: an international journal of medicine
Print ISSN 1460-2725
Electronic ISSN 1460-2393
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 111
Issue 5
Pages 295-301
Keywords Consultants; Personnel staffing and scheduling; Weekend
Public URL