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The experiences and effectiveness of canine-assisted interventions (CAIs) on the health and well-being of older people residing in long-term care: a mixed methods systematic review protocol. [Protocol]

Stern, Cindy; Lizarondo, Lucylynn; Carrier, Judith; Godfrey, Christina; Rieger, Kendra; Salmond, Susan; Apostolo, Joao; Kirkpatrick, Pamela; Loveday, Heather


Cindy Stern

Lucylynn Lizarondo

Judith Carrier

Christina Godfrey

Kendra Rieger

Susan Salmond

Joao Apostolo

Heather Loveday


The aim of this mixed methods review is to synthesize and integrate the best available evidence on the experiences and effectiveness of canine-assisted interventions (CAIs) on the health and well-being of older people residing in long-term care. More specifically the review questions are: 1) What are the experiences of older people residing in long-term care who receive CAIs? 2) What are the views of people directly or indirectly involved in delivering CAIs to older adults (such as family and friends of the residents, healthcare workers and volunteers) regarding CAIs for older people residing in long-term care facilities? 3) What is the effectiveness of CAIs on the health and well-being of older people residing in long-term care facilities?


STERN, C., LIZARONDO, L., CARRIER, J., GODFREY, C., RIEGER, K., SALMOND, S., APOSTOLO, J., KIRKPATRICK, P. and LOVEDAY, H. [2020]. The experiences and effectiveness of canine-assisted interventions (CAIs) on the health and well-being of older people residing in long-term care: a mixed methods systematic review protocol. [Protocol]. PROSPERO [online], item number CRD42020161235. Available from:

Other Type Protocol
Online Publication Date Jul 14, 2020
Deposit Date Feb 15, 2021
Publicly Available Date Feb 15, 2021
Publisher University of York. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Keywords Animal-assisted; Canine, dog; Mixed methods; Pet therapy
Public URL
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