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¿Es el habito tabaquico un factor determinante en la lactancia materna?

Velo Higueras, M.; Ramos García, I.; Corrillero Martín, J.; Jiménez Gómez, M.I.


I. Ramos García

J. Corrillero Martín

M.I. Jiménez Gómez


The relationship between smoking and breastfeeding is still uncertain but it looks to make it difficult. The aim of this study is to clarify the evidence state about the smoking influence on breastfeeding. Evidence review was conducted in Cochrane Library, PubMed, Cuiden and SCielo databases. Publications from year 2000 were considered. Smoking is associated with lower rates in breastfeeding initiation and duration. Nicotine has a negative effect on milk production, but social factors seem to be the most important in breastfeeding success. Lactation in smoking women is safer than the smoke exposition combined with formula. Educative interventions to modify maternal attitude seems to facilitate breastfeeding in smoking women. Further investigation about breastfeeding in smoking women is needed. Breastfeeding is the best option even in smoking mothers. Lactation rates in Spain are lower than WHO recommendation.


VELO HIGUERAS, M., RAMOS GARCÍA, I., CORRILLERO MARTÍN, J. and JIMÉNEZ GÓMEZ, M.I. 2013. ¿Es el hábito tabáquico un factor determinante en la lactancia materna? Prevención del tabaquismom [online], 15(3), pages 121-127. Available from:

Journal Article Type Review
Acceptance Date May 1, 2013
Online Publication Date Jul 1, 2013
Publication Date Sep 30, 2013
Deposit Date Nov 22, 2021
Publicly Available Date May 29, 2023
Journal Prevencion de tabaquismo
Electronic ISSN 2013-6854
Publisher Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue 3
Pages 121-127
Keywords Breastfeeding; Lactation; Smoking; Tobacco; Nicotine
Public URL
Publisher URL


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