Context extraction for aspect-based sentiment analytics: combining syntactic, lexical and sentiment knowledge.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BANDHAKAVI, A., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S. and LUHAR, R. 2018. Context extraction for aspect-based sentiment analytics: combining syntactic, lexical and sentiment knowledge. In Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (eds.) Artificial intelligence xxxv: proceedings of the 38th British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) International conference on innovative techniques and applications of artificial intelligence (AI-2018), 11-13 December 2018, Cambridge, UK. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 11311. Cham: Springer [online], pages 357-371. Available from:
Aspect-level sentiment analysis of customer feedback data when done accurately can be leveraged to understand strong and weak performance points of businesses and services and also formulate critical action steps to improve their performance. In this... Read More about Context extraction for aspect-based sentiment analytics: combining syntactic, lexical and sentiment knowledge..