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Is OSPAR 98/3 science-based politics or politics-based science? (2024)
Journal Article
PACES, N., DAVIES, A.J. and HASTINGS, A. 2024. Is OSPAR 98/3 science-based politics or politics-based science? Frontiers in marine science [online], 11, article number 1264892. Available from:

Man-made structures in the marine environment such as offshore Oil & Gas infrastructure are known to provide a hard substrate that enables ecosystems to develop on and around them. Current decommissioning practices on the UK Continental Shelf are man... Read More about Is OSPAR 98/3 science-based politics or politics-based science?.

A first estimate of blue carbon associated with oil and gas industry marine infrastructure. (2023)
Journal Article
DAVIES, A.J. and HASTINGS, A. 2023. A first estimate of blue carbon associated with oil and gas industry marine infrastructure. Environmental science: advances [online], 2(12), pages 1708-1726. Available from:

Oil and gas industry manmade structures (OGIMMS) in the marine environment can support thriving and biodiverse ecosystems. "Clear seabed" policies require that all OGIMMS are removed once commercial activity has ceased, thereby removing a large propo... Read More about A first estimate of blue carbon associated with oil and gas industry marine infrastructure..

Lifetime greenhouse gas emissions from offshore hydrogen production. (2023)
Journal Article
DAVIES, A.J. and HASTINGS, A. 2023. Lifetime greenhouse gas emissions from offshore hydrogen production. Energy reports [online], 10, pages 1538-1554. Available from:

With a limited global carbon budget, it is imperative that decarbonisation decisions are based on accurate, holistic accounts of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced to assess their validity. Here the upstream GHG emissions of potential UK off... Read More about Lifetime greenhouse gas emissions from offshore hydrogen production..

Greenhouse gas emissions from decommissioning manmade structures in the marine environment: current trends and implications for the future. (2023)
Journal Article
DAVIES, A.J. and HASTINGS, A. 2023. Greenhouse gas emissions from decommissioning manmade structures in the marine environment: current trends and implications for the future. Journal of marine science and engineering [online], 11(6), article number 1133. Available from:

The decommissioning of manmade structures in the marine environment causes large volumes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to be released. Current GHG emissions calculation methods for decommissioning offshore oil and gas industry infrastructure leav... Read More about Greenhouse gas emissions from decommissioning manmade structures in the marine environment: current trends and implications for the future..