What works for whom, how and why in mental health education for undergraduate health profession students? A realist synthesis protocol. [Protocol]
MCCORMACK, Z., KERR, A., SIMPSON, A., KEATING, D. and STRAWBRIDGE, J. 2024. What works for whom, how and why in mental health education for undergraduate health profession students? A realist synthesis protocol. [Protocol]. BMJ open [online], 14(3), article number e078130. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078130
It has been shown that mental health education can support positive attitudes of health profession students towards people with mental health challenges, which supports them to provide optimal healthcare to this group. There are many different approa... Read More about What works for whom, how and why in mental health education for undergraduate health profession students? A realist synthesis protocol. [Protocol].