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All Outputs (6)

Challenges in increasing women's participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries: a qualitative approach based on the three tenets of justice. (2024)
Journal Article
SUMARNO, T.B., YASGIANTORO, I.B., FITRIYANTI, V. and KHUSNA, V.A. 2024. Challenges in increasing women's participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries: a qualitative approach based on the three tenets of justice. Energy policy [online], 191, article number 114163. Available from:

Ensuring an inclusive and just transition towards a low-carbon economy has become increasingly important. This paper emphasises the challenges in increasing the extent of women's participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries. In th... Read More about Challenges in increasing women's participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries: a qualitative approach based on the three tenets of justice..

Just transition in biofuel development towards low-carbon economy: multi-actor perspectives on policies and practices in Indonesia. (2023)
Journal Article
DJATMIKA, P., LISTININGRUM, P., SUMARNO, T.B., MAHIRA, D.F. and SIANIPAR, C.P.M. 2024. Just transition in biofuel development towards low-carbon economy: multi-actor perspectives on policies and practices in Indonesia. Energies [online], 17(1), article 141. Available from:

Justice and sustainability are the foundation of fair and equitable biofuel development. Policies and practices are consequently necessary to support a just transition towards a low-carbon economy. Therefore, this study aimed to understand multi-acto... Read More about Just transition in biofuel development towards low-carbon economy: multi-actor perspectives on policies and practices in Indonesia..

Exploring Indonesia's energy policy failures through the JUST framework. (2022)
Journal Article
SUMARNO, T.B., SIHOTANG, P. and PRAWIRAATMADJA, W. 2022. Exploring Indonesia's energy policy failures through the JUST framework. Energy policy [online], 164, article 112914. Available from:

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided momentum for the global energy transition and countries, including Indonesia, should take this opportunity to accelerate this process. This paper reviews Indonesian energy subsidy policy failures using the JUST Fram... Read More about Exploring Indonesia's energy policy failures through the JUST framework..

How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma: assessing Indonesia's electricity market transition. (2021)
Journal Article
HEFFRON, R.J., KÖRNER, M.-F., SUMARNO, T., WAGNER, J., WEIBELZAHL, M. and FRIDGEN, G. 2022. How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma: assessing Indonesia's electricity market transition. Energy economics [online], 107, article 105663. Available from:

Indonesia's current energy policy, which relies on cheap fossil fuels and focuses on two out of the three horns of the energy trilemma, namely, energy security and energy equity, may impede its efforts to higher shares of renewable energy sources. Th... Read More about How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma: assessing Indonesia's electricity market transition..

Justice in solar energy development. (2021)
Journal Article
HEFFRON, R., HALBRÜGGE, S., KÖRNER, M.-F., OBENG-DARKO, N.A., SUMARNO, T., WAGNER, J. and WEIBELZAHL, M. 2021. Justice in solar energy development. Solar energy [online], 218, pages 68-75. Available from:

To achieve national energy and climate targets across the world, there is a key focus on solar energy development. It is clear from literature that many countries have enormous, under-utilised potentials for solar energy, which can significantly chan... Read More about Justice in solar energy development..

Accelerating the economic recovery in Indonesia post Covid-19: justice in the energy transition. (2020)
Journal Article
SUMARNO, T.B., BACHTIAR, A. and JATI, A.N. 2020. Accelerating the economic recovery in Indonesia post Covid-19: justice in the energy transition. Global energy law and sustainability [online], 1(2), pages 140-148. Available from:

Indonesia is known as the largest economy in South East Asia and as one of the emerging lower-middle-income countries. Before the pandemic Covid-19, Indonesia forecasted its GDP growth to increase to 5.5% in 2020. However, this never happened followi... Read More about Accelerating the economic recovery in Indonesia post Covid-19: justice in the energy transition..