Multi-objective optimal design of obstacle-avoiding two-dimensional Steiner trees with application to ascent assembly engineering.
Journal Article
ZAVOIANU, A.-C., SAMINGER-PLATZ, S., ENTNER, D., PRANTE, T., HELLWIG, M., SCHWARZ, M. and FINK, K. 2018. Multi-objective optimal design of obstacle-avoiding two-dimensional Steiner trees with application to ascent assembly engineering. Journal of mechanical design [online], 140(6), article number 061401. Available from:
We present an effective optimization strategy that is capable of discovering high-quality cost-optimal solution for two-dimensional (2D) path network layouts (i.e., groups of obstacle-avoiding Euclidean Steiner trees) that, among other applications,... Read More about Multi-objective optimal design of obstacle-avoiding two-dimensional Steiner trees with application to ascent assembly engineering..