Are electronic theses and dissertations radically changing the nature and scope of doctoral research dissemination and use?
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GOODFELLOW, L.M., MACDUFF, C., LESLIE, G., COPELAND, S., NOLFI, D. and BLACKWOOD, D. 2012. Are electronic theses and dissertations radically changing the nature and scope of doctoral research dissemination and use? Presented at the 2012 Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Health Libraries Group conference (HLG 2012), 12-13 July 2012, London, UK.
Originally presented as: GOODFELLOW, L. M., MACDUFF, C., LESLIE, G., COPELAND, S., NOLFI, D. and BLACKWOOD, D., 2012. Are electronic theses and dissertations radically changing the nature and scope of doctoral research dissemination and use' at the A... Read More about Are electronic theses and dissertations radically changing the nature and scope of doctoral research dissemination and use?.