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The influence of aerobic capacity on the loads and intensities of mixed martial arts sparring bouts. (2024)
Journal Article
KIRK, C., CLARK, D. and LANGAN-EVANS, C. 2024. The influence of aerobic capacity on the loads and intensities of mixed martial arts sparring bouts. Journal of sports sciences [online], 42(22), pages 2093-2102. Available from:

The influence of aerobic variables on mixed martial arts (MMA) performance is currently unknown. This study aimed to compare the laboratory-measured aerobic variables of MMA participants to the external load and intensity of MMA sparring bouts to det... Read More about The influence of aerobic capacity on the loads and intensities of mixed martial arts sparring bouts..

The physical progress of a professional Scottish soccer academy over a ten-year period. (2024)
Journal Article
CRAIG, T.P., MAUGHAN, P., MCARDLE, M.P., CLARK, D.R. and REID, D. 2024. The physical progress of a professional Scottish soccer academy over a ten-year period. Open access journal of sports medicine [online], 15, pages 101-110. Available from:

Increases in high-intensity locomotor activity of match play have been recorded in elite soccer. This places an onus on academy practitioners to develop players for the future demands of the game. At an academy level, locomotor data are not available... Read More about The physical progress of a professional Scottish soccer academy over a ten-year period..

Effects of resistance exercise, collagen ingestion and circulating oestrogen concentration on collagen synthesis in a female athlete: a case report. (2024)
Journal Article
LEE, J., TANG, J.C.Y., DUTTON, J., DUNN, R., FRASER, W.D., ENRIGHT, K., CLARK, D.R., STEWART, C.E. and ERSKINE, R.M. 2024. Effects of resistance exercise, collagen ingestion and circulating oestrogen concentration on collagen synthesis in a female athlete: a case report. Experimental physiology [online], Early View. Available from:

We investigated the effects of resistance exercise (RE), hydrolysed collagen (HC) ingestion and circulating oestrogen concentration on collagen synthesis in a naturally menstruating female CrossFit athlete. In a double-blind, randomised cross-over de... Read More about Effects of resistance exercise, collagen ingestion and circulating oestrogen concentration on collagen synthesis in a female athlete: a case report..

The relationships between external and internal training loads in mixed martial arts. (2023)
Journal Article
KIRK, C., LANGAN-EVANS, C., CLARK, D.R. and MORTON, J.P. 2024. The relationships between external and internal training loads in mixed martial arts. International journal of sports physiology and performance [online], 19(2), pages 173-184. Available from:

As a multidisciplined combat sport, relationships between external and internal training loads and intensities of mixed martial arts (MMA) have not been described. The aim of this study was to determine the external loads and intensities of MMA train... Read More about The relationships between external and internal training loads in mixed martial arts..

The collagen synthesis response to an acute bout of resistance exercise is greater when ingesting 30 g hydrolyzed collagen compared with 15 g and 0 g in resistance-trained young men. (2023)
Journal Article
LEE, J., TANG, J.C.Y., DUTTON, J., DUNN, R., FRASER, W.D., ENRIGHT, K., CLARK, D.R., STEWART, C.E. and ERSKINE, R.M. 2024. The collagen synthesis response to an acute bout of resistance exercise is greater when ingesting 30 g hydrolyzed collagen compared with 15 g and 0 g in resistance-trained young men. Journal of nutrition [online], 154(7), pages 2076-2086. Available from:

Resistance exercise (RE) stimulates collagen synthesis in skeletal muscle and tendon but there is limited and equivocal evidence regarding an effect of collagen supplementation and exercise on collagen synthesis. Furthermore, it is not known if a dos... Read More about The collagen synthesis response to an acute bout of resistance exercise is greater when ingesting 30 g hydrolyzed collagen compared with 15 g and 0 g in resistance-trained young men..

Physical testing and strength and conditioning practices differ between coaches working in academy and first team soccer. (2023)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R. ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2023. Physical testing and strength and conditioning practices differ between coaches working in academy and first team soccer. International journal of sports science and coaching [online], 18(4), pages 1045-1055. Available from:

Scientific guidelines exist regarding strength and conditioning (S&C) best practice, for both first team and academy level soccer. However, it is not known if these research-informed guidelines are followed in such applied settings. The aim of this s... Read More about Physical testing and strength and conditioning practices differ between coaches working in academy and first team soccer..

The use of physical characteristics to explain variation in ball-carrying capability in elite rugby union: a narrative review. (2023)
Journal Article
HART, A., ERSKINE, R. and CLARK, D. 2023. The use of physical characteristics to explain variation in ball-carrying capability in elite rugby union: a narrative review. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 37(8), pages 1718-1727. Available from:

The effectiveness of offensive ball carrying has been identified as a key determinant in elite rugby union try-scoring success and subsequent match outcome. Despite this, there is limited research evaluating the physical qualities believed to underpi... Read More about The use of physical characteristics to explain variation in ball-carrying capability in elite rugby union: a narrative review..

Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players. (2023)
Journal Article
LEE, J., BRIDGE, J.E., CLARK, D.R., STEWART, C.E. and ERSKINE, R.M. 2023. Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players. Frontiers in physiology [online], 14, article number 1089971. Available from:

We investigated the effect of collagen hydrolysate supplementation on changes in patellar tendon (PT) properties after 10 weeks' training in female soccer players from a Football Association Women's Super League Under 21s squad. We pair-matched n = 1... Read More about Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players..

Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players. (2023)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R., ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2023. Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 37(6), pages 1250-1258. Available from:

The aims of this study were to investigate the impact of high-intensity, low-volume (HRT) vs. moderate-intensity, high-volume resistance training (MRT) vs. soccer training only (CON) on changes in strength, power, and speed, and to compare delayed on... Read More about Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players..

Global differences in current strength and conditioning practice within soccer. (2022)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R., ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2022. Global differences in current strength and conditioning practice within soccer. International journal of sports science and coaching [online], Online First. Available from:

Differences exist between top-tier soccer leagues (e.g. anthropometry and match demands), which may influence strength and conditioning (S&C) practice. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate whether current S&C practice in men's and women's (... Read More about Global differences in current strength and conditioning practice within soccer..

An investigation of movement dynamics and muscle activity during traditional and accentuated-eccentric squatting. (2022)
Journal Article
ARMSTRONG, R., BALTZOPOULOS, V., LANGAN-EVANS, C., CLARK, D., JARVIS, J., STEWART, C. and O'BRIEN, T. 2022. An investigation of movement dynamics and muscle activity during traditional and accentuated-eccentric squatting. PLoS ONE [online], 17(11), article number e0276096. Available from:

Accentuated-eccentric loading (AEL) takes advantage of the high force producing potential of eccentric muscle contractions, potentially maximising mechanical tension within the muscle. However, evidence is lacking on how AEL squatting may load the in... Read More about An investigation of movement dynamics and muscle activity during traditional and accentuated-eccentric squatting..

Physical characteristics explain ball-carrying capability in sub-elite rugby union players. (2022)
Journal Article
HART, A.S., ERSKINE, R.M., MCLAUGHLIN, T.J. and CLARK, D.R. 2023. Physical characteristics explain ball-carrying capability in sub-elite rugby union players. Journal of science in sport and exercise [online], 5(3), pages 244-253. Available from:

The aims of the present study were two-fold: (i) to investigate the relationship between physical characteristics and the game statistics associated with ball-carrying capability amongst sub-elite rugby union players; and (ii) to predict the level of... Read More about Physical characteristics explain ball-carrying capability in sub-elite rugby union players..

Mind the gap! A survey comparing current strength training methods used in men's versus women's first team and academy soccer. (2022)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R., ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2022. Mind the gap! A survey comparing current strength training methods used in men's versus women's first team and academy soccer. Science and medicine in football [online], 6(5): towards a better understanding of health and performance is sponsored and supported by Adidas and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), pages 597-604. Available from:

Much less is known about strength and conditioning (S&C) practice in women's versus men's soccer. The aim of this study was to compare S&C practice between coaches working in men's or women's soccer, at first team or academy level, worldwide. A total... Read More about Mind the gap! A survey comparing current strength training methods used in men's versus women's first team and academy soccer..

Determining concentric and eccentric force–velocity profiles during squatting. (2022)
Journal Article
ARMSTRONG, R., BALTZOPOULOS, V., LANGAN-EVANS, C., CLARK, D., JARVIS, J., STEWART, C. and O'BRIEN, T.D. 2022. Determining concentric and eccentric force–velocity profiles during squatting. European journal of applied physiology [online], 122(3), pages 769-779. Available from:

The force–velocity relationship of muscular contraction has been extensively studied. However, previous research has focussed either on isolated muscle or single-joint movements, whereas human movement consists of multi-joint movements (e.g. squattin... Read More about Determining concentric and eccentric force–velocity profiles during squatting..

Quantification of training load distribution in mixed martial arts athletes: a lack of periodisation and load management. (2021)
Journal Article
KIRK, C., LANGAN-EVANS, C., CLARK, D.R. and MORTON, J.P. 2021. Quantification of training load distribution in mixed martial arts athletes: a lack of periodisation and load management. PLoS One [online], 16(5), article e0251266. Available from:

The aim of this study was to quantify typical training load and periodisation practices of MMA athletes. MMA competitors (n = 14; age = 22.4 ± 4.4 years; body mass = 71.3 ± 7.7 kg; stature = 171 ± 9.9 cm) were observed during training for 8 consecuti... Read More about Quantification of training load distribution in mixed martial arts athletes: a lack of periodisation and load management..

Impact of resistance training status on trunk muscle activation in a fatiguing set of heavy back squats. (2020)
Journal Article
CLARK, D.R., LAMBERT, M.I., GRIGSON, C. and HUNTER, A.M. 2020. Impact of resistance training status on trunk muscle activation in a fatiguing set of heavy back squats. European journal of applied physiology [online], 121(2), pages 597-608. Available from:

In this study we measured neural activation (EMG) in four trunk stabilizer muscles and vastus lateralis (VL) in trained and novice participants during a set of squat repetitions to volitional fatigue at 85% 1RM. Forty males were recruited into two gr... Read More about Impact of resistance training status on trunk muscle activation in a fatiguing set of heavy back squats..

The physical demands of mixed martial arts: a narrative review using the ARMSS model to provide a hierarchy of evidence. (2020)
Journal Article
KIRK, C., CLARK, D.R., LANGAN-EVANS, C. and MORTON, J.P. 2020. The physical demands of mixed martial arts: a narrative review using the ARMSS model to provide a hierarchy of evidence. Journal of sports science [online], 38(24), pages 2819-2841. Available from:

The physical demands of mixed martial arts (MMA) training and competition is not yet well quantified. The Applied Research Model for the Sport Sciences (ARMSS) provides a framework through which to conduct sport science, determining pertinent questio... Read More about The physical demands of mixed martial arts: a narrative review using the ARMSS model to provide a hierarchy of evidence..

Free-weight resistance training in youth athletes: a narrative review. (2020)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R., ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2020. Free-weight resistance training in youth athletes: a narrative review. Sports medicine [online], 50(9), pages 1567-1580. Available from:

Generating high levels of muscular strength and power are important for success in sport and may have long-term implications for sporting careers in youth athletes. Importantly, maturation may confound the neuromuscular adaptations to resistance trai... Read More about Free-weight resistance training in youth athletes: a narrative review..

Increased strength is associated with lower trunk muscle activation during loaded back squats and dynamic body weight jumps. (2019)
Journal Article
CLARK, D.R., LAMBERT, M.I., GRIGSON, C. and HUNTER, A.M. 2019. Increased strength is associated with lower trunk muscle activation during loaded back squats and dynamic body weight jumps. Translational sports medicine [online], 3(2), pages 107-118. Available from:

This study measured how back squat strength (1RM) affected trunk muscle activation in performing squats, squat jump (SJ), and countermovement jump (CMJ). Fifty males, completed two test sessions. Squat 1RM was tested first. Participants were assigned... Read More about Increased strength is associated with lower trunk muscle activation during loaded back squats and dynamic body weight jumps..

Trunk muscle activation in the back and hack squat at the same relative loads. (2019)
Journal Article
CLARK, D.R., LAMBERT, M.I. and HUNTER, A.M. 2019. Trunk muscle activation in the back and hack quat at the same relative loads. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 33(Supplement), pages S60-S69. Available from:

The hack squat (HS) is likely to produce a greater 1 repetition maximum (1RM) compared with the back squat (BS). This can be attributed to the support of the trunk during the HS compared with no support during BS. This support, however, may compromis... Read More about Trunk muscle activation in the back and hack squat at the same relative loads..