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All Outputs (3)

Pushing the boundaries: the impact of the changing nature of the professions in construction law. (2016)
Journal Article
CHRISTIE, D.S. 2016. Pushing the boundaries: the impact of the changing nature of the professions in construction law. Construction law journal [online], 32(8), pages 849-860. Available from:

The way in which the role of the professions is understood in society is changing. One of the traditional effects of being a profession was that the relevant group was regarded as having a virtual monopoly over the provision of services in the area i... Read More about Pushing the boundaries: the impact of the changing nature of the professions in construction law..

The elephant in the dispute resolution room: problems with the definition of arbitration in Scots law. (2016)
Journal Article
CHRISTIE, D.S. 2016. The elephant in the dispute resolution room: problems with the definition of arbitration in Scots law. Juridical review, 1, pages 27-48. Available from:

Considers the implications of the absence of a precise definition of arbitration in Scots law, particularly for distinguishing an expert determination from a judicial pronouncement. Examines options for resolving the uncertainty, including the lesson... Read More about The elephant in the dispute resolution room: problems with the definition of arbitration in Scots law..

Perry Mason days may be on way out. (2016)
Newspaper / Magazine
CHRISTIE, D.S. 2016. Perry Mason days may be on way out. Scotsman [online], 18 February 2016. Available from:

In this article the author explains why technology is reducing the reliance on traditional courtroom hearings and keeping records digitally means getting to the truth is easier than in Perry Mason's time.