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All Outputs (6)

Development and pilot evaluation of an online retrofit decision-making tool for homeowners. (2022)
Journal Article
SEDDIKI, M., BENNADJI, A., ALABID, J., GRAY, D. and DEVECI, G. 2022. Development and pilot evaluation of an online retrofit decision-making tool for homeowners. Buildings [online], 12(10), article 1513. Available from:

Many retrofit projects went wrong in the UK principally because of the application of inappropriate retrofit solutions, which resulted in damp issues, with some leaving houses in worse conditions than pre-retrofit. Various online tools were developed... Read More about Development and pilot evaluation of an online retrofit decision-making tool for homeowners..

Development and pilot evaluation of an online retrofit decision-making tool for homeowners. [Dataset] (2022)
SEDDIKI, M., BENNADJI, A., ALABID, J., GRAY, D. and DEVECI, G. 2022. Development and pilot evaluation of an online retrofit decision-making tool for homeowners. [Dataset]. Buildings [online], 12(10), article 1513. Available from:

Many retrofit projects went wrong in the UK principally because of the application of inappropriate retrofit solutions, which resulted in damp issues, with some leaving houses in worse conditions than pre-retrofit. Various online tools were developed... Read More about Development and pilot evaluation of an online retrofit decision-making tool for homeowners. [Dataset].

Predicting energy savings of the UK housing stock under a step-by-step energy retrofit scenario towards net-zero. (2022)
Journal Article
BENNADJI, A., SEDDIKI, M., ALABID, J., LAING, R. and GRAY, D. 2022. Predicting energy savings of the UK housing stock under a step-by-step energy retrofit scenario towards net-zero. Energies [online], 15(9), article 3082. Available from:

The UK has one of the least energy-efficient housing stocks in Europe. By 2030, the emissions from UK homes need to fall by at least 24% from 1990 levels to meet the UK's ambitious goal, which is reaching net-zero emissions. The originality of this p... Read More about Predicting energy savings of the UK housing stock under a step-by-step energy retrofit scenario towards net-zero..

Predicting energy savings of the UK housing stock under a step-by-step energy retrofit scenario towards net-zero. [Dataset] (2022)
BENNADJI, A., SEDDIKI, M., ALABID, J., LAING, R. and GRAY, D. 2022. Predicting energy savings of the UK housing stock under a step-by-step energy retrofit scenario towards net-zero. [Dataset]. Energies [online], 15(9), article 3082. Available from:

Space and water heating for UK homes make up 25% of total energy use and 15% of greenhouse gas emissions. To meet the UK’s ambitious goal of reaching zero emissions from existing buildings in the UK by 2050, by 2030, UK homes’ emissions need to fall... Read More about Predicting energy savings of the UK housing stock under a step-by-step energy retrofit scenario towards net-zero. [Dataset].

Shifting perspectives on autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen ‘through the eyes’ of autonomous vehicles. (2022)
Journal Article
BELKOURI, D., LAING, R. and GRAY, D. 2022. Shifting perspectives on autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen 'through the eyes' of autonomous vehicles. TeMA: journal of land use, mobility and environment [online], 2022(1): new scenarios for safe mobility in urban areas, pages 167-179. Available from:

It is likely that Autonomous Vehicles will have significant social, cultural, spatial and environmental implications and that the interaction between humans, automated vehicles and physical environment will provide an array of challenges. This paper... Read More about Shifting perspectives on autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen ‘through the eyes’ of autonomous vehicles..

Through the eyes of autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen from a different perspective. (2022)
Journal Article
BELKOURI, D., LAING, R. and GRAY, D. 2022. Through the eyes of autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen from a different perspective. Transportation research procedia [online], 60: proceedings of the 25th Living and walking in cities international conference 2021 (LWC 2021): new scenarios for safe mobility in urban areas, 9-10 September 2021, Brescia, Italy, pages 496-503. Available from:

It is likely that Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) will have significant social, cultural, spatial and environmental implications and the interaction between humans, automated vehicles and physical environment will provide an array of challenges. This paper... Read More about Through the eyes of autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen from a different perspective..