Effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation in adults with musculoskeletal disorders: an umbrella review protocol.
ALEXANDER, L., COOPER, K., MITCHELL, D and MACLEAN, C. 2017. Effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation in adults with musculoskeletal disorders: an umbrella review protocol. [Protocol]. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports [online], 15(6), pages 1518-1521. Available from: https://doi.org/10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-003133
The objective of this umbrella review is to determine the effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation in working age adults with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). More specifically the review will address the following questions:... Read More about Effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation in adults with musculoskeletal disorders: an umbrella review protocol..