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Formation integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in depleted petroleum reservoirs under cyclic stress conditions. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AMINAHO, E. 2023. Formation integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in depleted petroleum reservoirs under cyclic stress conditions. Presented at the 2023 Sand Management Network (SMN) students annual competition, Aberdeen, UK, 29 November 2023.

This study aims to evaluate formation integrity during cyclic injection and withdrawal of CO2 gas stream and the impact of impurities in the CO2 gas stream on the petrophysics and brittleness of reservoir and caprock. It also aims to identify possib... Read More about Formation integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in depleted petroleum reservoirs under cyclic stress conditions..

Caprock integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in low-temperature reservoirs. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AMINAHO, E.N. 2023. Caprock integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in low-temperature reservoirs. Presented at the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Community (UKCCSRC) flexible funding 2022 projects webinar, 9 November 2023, [virtual event].

This presentation gives an overview of the context and methodology of a project that aimed to identify suitable geological reservoirs for CO2 storage. The project was particularly focused on the issues of caprock integrity, and the assessment of how... Read More about Caprock integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in low-temperature reservoirs..

Caprock integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in low-temperature reservoirs. (2023)
AMINAHO, E.N. and HOSSAIN, M. 2023. Caprock integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in low-temperature reservoirs. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

The geological storage of CO2, also referred to as CO2 geosequestration, represents one of the most promising options for reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. However, most of the time CO2 is captured and compressed together with small amount... Read More about Caprock integrity evaluation for geosequestration of CO2 in low-temperature reservoirs..