A cross-sectional survey of the perspectives of older people in the Scottish Highlands on the management of their chronic pain.
Journal Article
STEWART, D., RUSHWORTH, G., BAILEY, N., PFLEGER, S., JEBARA, T., MUNRO, K., YOUNGSON, E., WILSON, M., MACLEOD, J. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2020. A cross-sectional survey of the perspectives of older people in the Scottish Highlands on the management of their chronic pain. Age and ageing [online], 49(3), pages 432-438. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afz181
Background: Although there is evidence of suboptimal outcomes in older people with chronic pain, little emphasis has been placed on those in remote and rural settings. Objective: To describe the perspectives of older people in the Scottish Highlands... Read More about A cross-sectional survey of the perspectives of older people in the Scottish Highlands on the management of their chronic pain..