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Perceptions of and practical experience with the National Surveillance Centre in managing medicines availability amongst users within public healthcare facilities in South Africa: findings and implications. (2023)
Journal Article
FALCO, M.F., MEYER, J.C., PUTTER, S.J., UNDERWOOD, R.S., NABAYIGA, H., OPANGA, S., MILJKOVIĆ, N., NYATHI, E. and GODMAN, B. 2023. Perceptions of and practical experience with the National Surveillance Centre in managing medicines availability amongst users within public healthcare facilities in South Africa: findings and implications. Healthcare [online], 11(13), article number 1838. Available from:

The introduction of the National Surveillance Centre (NSC) has improved the efficiency and effectiveness of managing medicines availability within the public healthcare system in South Africa. However, at present, there is limited data regarding the... Read More about Perceptions of and practical experience with the National Surveillance Centre in managing medicines availability amongst users within public healthcare facilities in South Africa: findings and implications..