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All Outputs (3)

Public perception and acceptance of CCUS: preliminary findings of an instrumental qualitative case study in Greece. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STAVRIANAKIS, K., NIELSEN, J. and MORRISON, Z. 2023. Public perception and acceptance of CCUS: preliminary findings of an instrumental qualitative case study in Greece. Presented at the 6th International joint conference of the ESA RN12, and the Energy and Society Network: energy, environment and societies in crisis, 6-8 September 2023, Trento, Italy.

This presentation presents initial findings of an EU Horizon 2020 funded study exploring public attitudes towards carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) solutions. Greece is used a case study, involving five participants in face-to-face, semi... Read More about Public perception and acceptance of CCUS: preliminary findings of an instrumental qualitative case study in Greece..

Where does stress happen? Ecological momentary assessment of daily stressors using a mobile phone app. [Presentation] (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
YAO, X., JORDAN, E., NELSON, E., STAVRIANAKIS, K., HUANG, T.-Y. and MORAN, C. 2022. Where does stress happen? Ecological momentary assessment of daily stressors using a mobile phone app. Presented at the 2022 American Public Health Association annual meeting (APHA 2022), 6-9 November 2022, Boston, USA.

Despite the importance of daily stress to individuals' health and wellbeing, few studies have explored where stress happens in real time. As such, stress interventions rarely account for the environment in which stress occurs. We used ecological mome... Read More about Where does stress happen? Ecological momentary assessment of daily stressors using a mobile phone app. [Presentation].

We: a robotic system to extend social impact of community gardens. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JOSHI, S., RANDALL, N., CHIPLUNKAR, S., WATTIMENA, T. and STAVRIANAKIS, K. 2018. We: a robotic system to extend social impact of community gardens. In HRI '18: companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE (Association of Computing Machinery and Institute of Electrical Engineers) Human-robot interaction international conference (HRI '18), 5-8 March 2018, Chicago, USA. New York: ACM [online], pages 349-350. Available from:

The social, educational, economic and health benefits from community gardens often stay limited to the gardeners. 'We' is a community-oriented robotic system designed to extend such benefits to the public and community. It consists of 1. 'We-Sense,'... Read More about We: a robotic system to extend social impact of community gardens..