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All Outputs (74)

Visualizing time: a recent survey of time-focused art. [Magazine article, 2023/2024 edition] (2024)
Newspaper / Magazine
SBRILLI, A. and LEUZZI, L. 2024. Visualizing time: a recent survey of time-focused art. Time's news [online], 54, pages 44-51. Available from:

This is the 2023/2024 annual survey of time-focused art, which on this occasion has been curated by Antonella Sbrilli and Laura Leuzzi. Published in the International Society for the Study of Time's "Time's News" annual magazine, this year's survey f... Read More about Visualizing time: a recent survey of time-focused art. [Magazine article, 2023/2024 edition].

She-wolves: erotism, love, body. [Exhibition] (2024)
Exhibition / Performance
She-wolves: erotism, love, body. [Exhibition]. Exhibited 30 May - 31 August 2024, [online exhibition]. Hosted on RE_EXHIBIT [online], RE_EXHIBIT 4. Available from:

The exploration into a liberated female body and sexuality is key to the work and research of several women video and film pioneers in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.  Inspired by the famous book by Clarissa Pinkola Estès, "Women who run with the wolves"... Read More about She-wolves: erotism, love, body. [Exhibition].

Incite: digital art and activism. [Book launch and panel] (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DELAPPE, J., LEUZZI, L., SHEMILT, E., STREET, Z., ZEĆO, M., ZEILINGER, M. and LUDOVICO, A. 2024. Incite: digital art and activism. [Book launch and panel]. Held on 7 March 2024, Photographers' Gallery, London. Hosted on YouTube [online]. Available from:

This event was held to celebrate the publication of the book, "INCITE: Digital Art and Activism", edited by Joseph DeLappe and Laura Leuzzi. The panel discussion featured the editors alongside several of the contributors (Emile Shemilt, Zoyander Stre... Read More about Incite: digital art and activism. [Book launch and panel].

Shaping the contemporary: Macedonian video art since 1984. [Exhibition] (2024)
Exhibition / Performance
Shaping the contemporary: Macedonian video art since 1984. [Exhibition]. Exhibited 15 February - 29 March 2024, [online exhibition]. Hosted on RE_EXHIBIT [online], RE_EXHIBIT 3. Available from:

This exhibition focuses on the development, discussion and production of moving image and video art in North Macedonia, since the late Yugoslav period. Many of these videos are being shown for the first time in many years and are little known to audi... Read More about Shaping the contemporary: Macedonian video art since 1984. [Exhibition].

European values. (2023)
Book Chapter
ZEĆO, M. 2023. European values. In DeLappe, J. and Leuzzi, L. (eds.) Incite: digital art and activism. Aberdeen: peacock and the worm, chapter 1111, pages 57-60.

This chapter - a selection of quotes within variously decorated pages - forms Maja Zećo's contribution to the collaborative artists' book, "INCITE: Digital Art and Activism", edited by Joseph DeLappe and Laura Leuzzi. The book sought to collate respo... Read More about European values..

Expansive creativity is beyond the visual. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGOYNE, G. and LEUZZI, L. 2023. Expansive creativity is beyond the visual. In Hurcomb, G., Herring, E., Jackson, J. and Duvallon, V.P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2023 Teaching beyond the curriculum conference: a focus on pedagogy, 15-17 November 2023, Glasgow, UK; Baton Rouge, USA; Wenzhou, China. Architecture Media Politics Society (AMPS) proceedings series, 36.2. Glasgow: AMPS [online], chapter 27, pages 256-263. Available from:

Expansive creativity starts with how we navigate language, in its plethora of manifestations and contexts. Increasing hegemonic and unwieldy systems of imposed synchronicities and rationality abound leading to our submergence as opposed to emergence... Read More about Expansive creativity is beyond the visual..

In dialogue: for an approach to activist curating. (2023)
Book Chapter
LEUZZI, L. 2023. In dialogue: for an approach to activist curating. In DeLappe, J. and Leuzzi, L. (eds.) Incite: digital art and activism. Aberdeen: peacock and the worm, chapter 1110, pages 53-56.

This chapter - a short essay - forms Laura Leuzzi's chapter contribution to the collaborative artists' book, "INCITE: Digital Art and Activism", edited by Joseph DeLappe and Laura Leuzzi. The book sought to collate responses from artists, scholars an... Read More about In dialogue: for an approach to activist curating..

Incite: digital art and activism. (2023)
DELAPPE, J. and LEUZZI, L. (eds.) 2023. Incite: digital art and activism. Aberdeen: peacock and the worm.

INCITE: Digital Art and Activism is a collaborative artists' book, featuring creative responses from artists, scholars and activists connected through the Digital Art and Activism Network, and edited by Joseph DeLappe (Abertay University) and Laura L... Read More about Incite: digital art and activism..

Aphorisms on art and activism. (2023)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2023. Aphorisms on art and activism. In DeLappe, J. and Leuzzi, L. (eds.) Incite: digital art and activism. Aberdeen: peacock and the worm, chapter 1100, pages 45-48.

This chapter - a compilation of aphorisms - forms Jon Blackwood's contribution to the collaborative artists' book, "INCITE: Digital Art and Activism", edited by Joseph DeLappe and Laura Leuzzi. The book sought to collate responses from artists, schol... Read More about Aphorisms on art and activism..

I am enchanted and I see. [Exhibition] (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
I am enchanted and I see. [Exhibition]. Exhibited 10 November - 15 December 2023, [online exhibition]. Hosted on RE_EXHIBIT [online], RE_EXHIBIT 2. Available from:

"I am Enchanted and I See" (2023) is an exhibition by Cinzia Cremona, featuring a new video commission in response to Tamara Krikorian's "Vanitas" (1976), which is held in the REWIND Collection. Cremona responds to Krikorian's pioneering artwork with... Read More about I am enchanted and I see. [Exhibition].

RE_EXHIBIT. [Online gallery] (2023)
Digital Artefact
LEUZZI, L. and LOCKHART, A. 2023. RE_EXHIBIT. [Online gallery]. Hosted by REWIND: Artists' Video [online]. Available from:

RE_EXHIBIT is a digital platform that invites, commissions and hosts online curatorial projects developed from the REWIND collections. It aims to facilitate dialogue with other early video art collections, and with contemporary film and video artists... Read More about RE_EXHIBIT. [Online gallery].

Double acts: collaborative partnerships in early artists' video. [Exhibition] (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
Double acts: collaborative partnerships in early artists' video. [Exhibition]. Exhibited 22 September - 29 October 2023, [online exhibition]. Hosted on RE_EXHIBIT [online], RE_EXHIBIT 1. Available from:

Having been invited to identify a theme and to select some relevant examples of this approach from the Rewind collection, I have chosen to present works by artists working collaboratively. The medium of video is particularly suited to this way of wor... Read More about Double acts: collaborative partnerships in early artists' video. [Exhibition].

Of mentors, teachers and pioneers: herstories of video and media art in Europe. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LEUZZI, L. 2023. Of mentors, teachers and pioneers: herstories of video and media art in Europe. Presented at the 10th International conference on the histories of media art, science and technology (RE:SOURCE 2023), 13-16 September 2023, Venice, Italy.

This paper aims to question transmissions, teaching methods and approaches. It also aims to discuss and reassess the legacy of a generation of women video and new media pioneers – including Elsa Stansfield, Nan Hoover, Tamara Krikorian, Maria Vedder... Read More about Of mentors, teachers and pioneers: herstories of video and media art in Europe..

How do you teach something no one can see? And if you can't see it, how do you know if it's any good? (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LEUZZI, L. and BURGOYNE, G. 2023. How do you teach something no one can see? And if you can't see it, how do you know if it's any good? Presented at On not knowing: how artists teach, 9-10 June 2023, Glasgow, UK.

This presentation addresses the concept of art as being not just about visible and sensed, but also about the invisible and unsensed - absences, withdrawals, concealments. During the presentation, the authors explore how this paradoxical aspect of ar... Read More about How do you teach something no one can see? And if you can't see it, how do you know if it's any good?.

She became my teacher and mentor: uncovering the legacy of women video pioneers in art schools and academies in Europe. [Book chapter] (2023)
Book Chapter
LEUZZI, L. 2023. She became my teacher and mentor: uncovering the legacy of women video pioneers in art schools and academies in Europe. In Laks, D. and Sassu Suarez Ferri, N. (eds.) Transmission and gender: women artists as teachers in the XXth century. Passages online, 26. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University; [online], pages 39-48. Available from:

The introduction of the portable video recorder enabled women artists of the 1970s to experiment with a medium that was considered easier and cheaper to operate than film, as well as free from the heavily male-dominated imprint of traditional artisti... Read More about She became my teacher and mentor: uncovering the legacy of women video pioneers in art schools and academies in Europe. [Book chapter].

Digital art and activism: performance, protest, polities, technologies. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DELAPPE, J., LEUZZI, L, BLACKWOOD, J., ZEĆO, M. and ZEILINGER, M. 2023. Digital art and activism: performance, protest, polities, technologies. Presented at the 28th International symposium on electronic art (ISEA2023): symbiosis, 16-21 May 2023, Paris, France. Hosted on YouTube [online]. Available from:

This panel, chaired by Laura Leuzzi, addresses diverse themes and approaches towards engaging emerging technologies in the context of digital art and activism encompassing notions of socially engaged art and art as social practice from practice-based... Read More about Digital art and activism: performance, protest, polities, technologies..

Facing the lens of the camera: bodies, self-portraiture, portraiture and identity in women artists' video. (2023)
Book Chapter
LEUZZI, L. 2023. Facing the lens of the camera: bodies, self-portraiture, portraiture and identity in women artists' video. In Dreckmann, K. and Vomberg, E. (eds.) More than illustrated music: aesthetics of hybrid media between pop, art and video. New York: Bloomsbury Academic [online], chapter 8, pages 93-105. Available from:

Since its commercial inception and availability in the late 60s and 70s, video has acted as a powerful tool for women artists to explore feminist issues and debunk stereotypes re-perpetrated over the centuries by patriarchal society. In resonance wit... Read More about Facing the lens of the camera: bodies, self-portraiture, portraiture and identity in women artists' video..

Representation and identity in contemporary women artists' video. (2023)
Journal Article
LEUZZI, L. 2023. Representation and identity in contemporary women artists' video. Arts [online], 12(2), article 42. Available from:

This essay is an initial study that examines selected contemporary video artworks addressing identity and representation by contemporary Italian women artists. The author shows how these women artists seek to avoid the objectification and sanitisatio... Read More about Representation and identity in contemporary women artists' video..

Visualizing time: a recent survey of time-focused art. [Magazine article, 2022 edition] (2022)
Newspaper / Magazine
SBRILLI, A. and LEUZZI, L. 2022. Visualizing time: a recent survey of time-focused art. Time's news [online], 53, pages 20-30. Available from:

This is the 2022 annual survey of time-focused art, which on this occasion has been curated by Antonella Sbrilli and Laura Leuzzi. Published in the International Society for the Study of Time's "Time's News" annual magazine, this year's survey featur... Read More about Visualizing time: a recent survey of time-focused art. [Magazine article, 2022 edition].

Demarco and Yugoslavia in the 1970s. (2022)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2022. Demarco and Yugoslavia in the 1970s. In Leuzzi, L., Partridge, S. and Shemilt, E. (eds.) Richard Demarco: the Italian connection. Barnet: John Libbey, chapter 7, pages 105-113.

During the Cold War period, relations between the UK and Yugoslavia were couched entirely in the frames of politics, economics or military history; in the later years of socialist Yugoslavia, from the later seventies onwards, links were also develope... Read More about Demarco and Yugoslavia in the 1970s..