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Playing games in interprofessional education: a Japanese and Scottish experience. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ABE, K., JOSEPH, S., PARK, H.-J. and DIACK, L. 2014. Playing games in interprofessional education: a Japanese and Scottish experience. Presented at the 7th International conference on interprofessional practice and education (All Together Better Health VII), 6-8 June 2014, Pittsburgh, USA.

Delivering sustainable health care in countries with disparate communities can be challenging and frustrating. However this project, using game playing, enabled academics in the UK and Japan to collaborate with each other, so that graduates of the fu... Read More about Playing games in interprofessional education: a Japanese and Scottish experience..

Playing games in IPE: a Japanese and Scottish experience. (2014)
DIACK, L., JOSEPH, S., HAXTON, J.I. and MCFADYEN, M.C.E. 2014. Playing games in IPE: a Japanese and Scottish experience. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

This report describes the outcomes of a project funded by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation in 2013, which aimed to develop an educational toolkit for health and social care students and professionals.