Analysis of pedestrian accident injury-severities at road junctions and crossings using an advanced random parameter modelling framework: the case of Scotland.
Journal Article
OLOWOSEGUN, A., BABAJIDE, N., AKINTOLA, A., FOUNTAS, G. and FONZONE, A. 2022. Analysis of pedestrian accident injury-severities at road junctions and crossings using an advanced random parameter modelling framework: the case of Scotland. Accident analysis and prevention [online], 169, article 106610. Available from:
This paper investigates the determinants of injury severities in pedestrian-motor vehicle accidents at signalised and unsignalised junctions, and at physically-controlled and human-controlled crossings in Scotland. The accident data were drawn from t... Read More about Analysis of pedestrian accident injury-severities at road junctions and crossings using an advanced random parameter modelling framework: the case of Scotland..