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Analysis of pedestrian accident injury-severities at road junctions and crossings using an advanced random parameter modelling framework: the case of Scotland. (2022)
Journal Article
OLOWOSEGUN, A., BABAJIDE, N., AKINTOLA, A., FOUNTAS, G. and FONZONE, A. 2022. Analysis of pedestrian accident injury-severities at road junctions and crossings using an advanced random parameter modelling framework: the case of Scotland. Accident analysis and prevention [online], 169, article 106610. Available from:

This paper investigates the determinants of injury severities in pedestrian-motor vehicle accidents at signalised and unsignalised junctions, and at physically-controlled and human-controlled crossings in Scotland. The accident data were drawn from t... Read More about Analysis of pedestrian accident injury-severities at road junctions and crossings using an advanced random parameter modelling framework: the case of Scotland..

Indian energy security status: what are the economic and environmental implications? (2018)
Journal Article
BABAJIDE, N. 2018. Indian energy security status: what are the economic and environmental implications? IAEE energy forum [online], 27(2nd quarter), pages 47-51. Available from:

India's energy system is facing a rapidly increasing energy deficit despite the government's keen attention in developing renewable sources of energy, especially nuclear, solar and wind. Statistics from British Petroleum (BP) (2015) reveal that fossi... Read More about Indian energy security status: what are the economic and environmental implications?.

Energy security and economic performance of the caspian region: how vulnerable is the region to the falling oil price? (2017)
Journal Article
BABAJIDE, N. 2017. Energy security and economic performance of the Caspian region: how vulnerable is the region to the falling oil price? IAEE energy forum [online], 26(1st quarter), pages 53-58. Available from:

Given the prime position of oil in Caspian economy, change in oil prices has become a crucial issue with significant implications on the development of the economies in the region. The oil and gas producing states in the Caspian region have experienc... Read More about Energy security and economic performance of the caspian region: how vulnerable is the region to the falling oil price?.

Development and evaluation of honey extracting machine. (2015)
Journal Article
BABAJIDE, N.A., OGUNLADE, C.A., OKE, A.M. and AREMU, D.O. 2015 Development and evaluation of honey extracting machine. New York science journal [online], 8(9), pages 1-5. Available from:

Traditional method of extracting honey leads to reduction in nutritional value and quality thus, a honey extractor; a mechanical device that extracts honey from its comb was designed and constructed using easily available materials. The main objectiv... Read More about Development and evaluation of honey extracting machine..

Construction and evaluation of a power inverter. (2015)
Journal Article
AKINYELE, O.A., AREMU, D.O., OGUNLOWO, Q.O., AZEEZ, A.A., BABAJIDE, N.A., OGUNLADE, C.A. and ALAKA, A.C. 2015. Construction and evaluation of a power inverter. International journal of latest technology in engineering, management and applied sciene [online], IV(VII), pages 1-5. Available from:

Due to the erratic power supply in some parts of the World, it is imperative to source for an alternative to the municipal power supply; power generators are uneconomical and generate undesirable noise when in operation. Thus, a power inverter was de... Read More about Construction and evaluation of a power inverter..

Construction and ergonomics evaluation of an office cabinet. (2015)
Journal Article
OGUNLADE, C.A., BABAJIDE, N.A., AREMU, D.O., KADIRI, A.O. and OYENIRAN, S.T. 2015. Construction and ergonomics evaluation of an office cabinet. Global journal of engineering science and researches [online], 2(5), pages 107-110. Available from:

Wood is a natural endowment; an engineering material that is durable and aesthetic. An office cabinet was constructedusing wood and the ergonomics evaluation was carried out. A total of 50 subjects were used for the ergonomicsevaluation, the anthropo... Read More about Construction and ergonomics evaluation of an office cabinet..

Critical evaluation of locally fabricated maize shelling machine. (2015)
Journal Article
ADEWOLD, C.A., BABAJIDE, T.M., OKE, A.M., BABAJIDE, N.A., AREMU, D.O. and OGUNLADE, C.A. 2015. Critical evaluation of locally fabricated maize shelling machine. International journal of engineering science and innovative technology [online], 4(2), pages 67-73. Available from:

Maize shelling has been a tedious operation over the years; it takes weeks and causes pain and hand injuries, efforts have been made by artisans, welders and local fabricators at constructing some shelling machines for maize in Nigeria. This research... Read More about Critical evaluation of locally fabricated maize shelling machine..

Tax regimes of oil producing giants: a comparative study of Iran, Nigeria and United States of America. (2015)
Journal Article
BABAJIDE, N., ARIMORO, P. and KABIR, Y. 2015. Tax regimes of oil producing giants: a comparative study of Iran, Nigeria and United States of America. International journal of multidisciplinary research and development [online], 2(2), pages 66-75. Available from:

Taxation is one of the significant phenomenons in any economy as its not only generates revenue for existing government but serve as a fiscal tool as well as stabilization policy. One of the main types of taxation is the petroleum tax which accounts... Read More about Tax regimes of oil producing giants: a comparative study of Iran, Nigeria and United States of America..

Construction and comparative evaluation of a fired briquette and mold oven. (2014)
Journal Article
OLADIMEJI, S.T., AKINYELE, O.A., AREMU, D.O., BABAJIDE, N.A., OKE, A.M., and OGUNLADE, C.A. 2014. Construction and comparative evaluation of a fired briquette and mold oven. International journal of current research in life sciences [online], 3(11), pages 62-65. Available from:

Biomass; the plant matter for generating heat or electricity via direct combustion or gasification was used in the construction of a briquette and mold oven, this was done locally to substitute fuel scarcity and reduce the threat of global warming in... Read More about Construction and comparative evaluation of a fired briquette and mold oven..

Decomposition effects of carbon dioxide emission from industrial sectors in Japan and South Korea: what are the potentials for emission abatement? (2014)
Journal Article
BABAJIDE, N. 2014. Decomposition effects of carbon dioxide emission from industrial sectors in Japan and South Korea: what are the potentials for emission abatement? CEPMLP (Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy) annual review (CAR) [online], 17, article number 5. Available from:

Japan and South Korea heavily depend on energy consumption to develop their economy. This has consequently led to considerable growth in their industrial CO2 emission in the past few decades. Although the upward trend of CO2 emissions in South Korea... Read More about Decomposition effects of carbon dioxide emission from industrial sectors in Japan and South Korea: what are the potentials for emission abatement?.

Comparative analysis of upstream petroleum fiscal systems of three (3) petroleum exporting countries: Indonesia, Nigeria and Malaysia. (2014)
Journal Article
BABAJIDE, N., OGUNLADE, C.A., AREMU, D.O., OLADIMEJI, S.T. and AKINYELE, O.A. 2014. Comparative analysis of upstream petroleum fiscal systems of three (3) petroleum exporting countries: Indonesia, Nigeria and Malaysia. International journal of sciences: basic and applied research [online], 15(2), pages 99-115. Available from:

The role of oil: its output and infrastructure and technology in the world are established. Exploration and Exploitation of oil is not only significant as a revenue generator but has become indispensible in the world economy especially as a result of... Read More about Comparative analysis of upstream petroleum fiscal systems of three (3) petroleum exporting countries: Indonesia, Nigeria and Malaysia..

Comparison of some engineering properties of common cereal grains in Nigeria. (2014)
Journal Article
AREMU, D.O., BABAJIDE, N.A. and OGUNLADE, C.A. 2014. Comparison of some engineering properties of common cereal grains in Nigeria. International journal of engineering and science invention [online], 3(4), pages 10-14. Available from:

Most cereal crops grown in Nigeria are subjected to local processing and post harvest handling activities which is considered very tasking, laborious and generally leads to a low output. The study of the engineering properties of these crops will giv... Read More about Comparison of some engineering properties of common cereal grains in Nigeria..