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All Outputs (2)

A plan for a joint study into the impacts of AI on professional competencies of IT professionals and implications for computing students. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CLEAR, T., CAJANDER, A., CLEAR, A., MCDERMOTT, R., BERGQVIST, A., DANIELS, M., DIVITINI, M., FORSHAW, M., HUMBLE, N., KASINIDOU, M., KLEANTHOUS, S., KULTUR, C., PARVINI, G., POLASH, M. and ZHU, T. 2024. A plan for a joint study into the impacts of AI on professional competencies of IT professionals and implications for computing students. In Monga, M., Lonati, V. Barendsen, E. et al. (eds.) ITiCSE 2024: innovation and technology in computer science education: proceedings of the 29th Innovation and technology in computer science education 2024 (ITiCSE 2024), 8-10 July 2024, Milan, Italy. New York: ACM [online], volume 2, pages 757-758. Available from:

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to make its presence felt in transforming workplaces around the world, and the Information Technology industry in particular, it is essential to understand its impact on the work practices of IT professionals... Read More about A plan for a joint study into the impacts of AI on professional competencies of IT professionals and implications for computing students..

Steps towards a philosophy of computing education. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MCDERMOTT, R., DANIELS, M. and FREZZA, S.T. 2024. Steps towards a philosophy of computer education. In Mühling, A. and Jormanainen, I. (eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd Koli calling international conference on computing education research 2023, 13-18 November 2024, Koli, Finland. New York: ACM [online], article 20. Available from:

Is it meaningful to talk about the philosophy of computing education? What is its subject matter and methods? Is it different from, or a subfield of, the philosophy of science education or the philosophy of technology education or the philosophy of e... Read More about Steps towards a philosophy of computing education..