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The experiences of older adults with a diagnosed functional mental illness, their carers and healthcare professionals in relation to mental health service delivery: an integrative review. (2019)
Journal Article
WELLS, J., KENNEDY, C., BAIN, H. and LEE, S.H. 2020. The experiences of older adults with a diagnosed functional mental illness, their carers and their healthcare professionals in relation to mental health service delivery: an integrative review. Journal of clinical nursing [online], 29(1-2), pages 31-52. Available from:

Aims and objectives: To analyse the experiences of older people with a diagnosed functional mental illness and their carers in relation to mental health service delivery and analyse the experiences of health and social care professionals who care for... Read More about The experiences of older adults with a diagnosed functional mental illness, their carers and healthcare professionals in relation to mental health service delivery: an integrative review..

Supporting rural midwifery practice using a mobile health (mHealth) intervention: a qualitative descriptive study. (2019)
Journal Article
WHITE, A.H., CROWTHER, S.A. and LEE, S.H. 2019. Supporting rural midwifery practice using a mobile health (mHealth) intervention: a qualitative descriptive study. Rural and remote health [online], 19(3), article ID 5294. Available from:

Introduction: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy account for 12% of all maternal deaths globally. The risks of sub-optimal outcomes from these disorders might be greater in rural and remote locations. These potential risks might be related to poor i... Read More about Supporting rural midwifery practice using a mobile health (mHealth) intervention: a qualitative descriptive study..