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Recovery of kidney function after acute kidney disease: a multi-cohort analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
SAWHNEY, S., BALL, W., BELL, S. BLACK, C., CHRISTIANSEN, C.F., HEIDE-JØRGENSEN, U., JENSEN, S.K., LAMBOURG, E., RONKSLEY, P.E., TAN, Z., TONELLI, M. and JAMES, M.T. 2024. Recovery of kidney function after acute kidney disease: a multi-cohort analysis. Nephrology dialysis transplantation [online], 39(3), pages 426-435. Available from:

There are no consensus definitions for evaluating kidney function recovery after acute kidney injury (AKI) and acute kidney disease (AKD), nor is it clear how recovery varies across populations and clinical subsets. We present a federated analysis of... Read More about Recovery of kidney function after acute kidney disease: a multi-cohort analysis..

Inequalities in children's mental health care: analysis of routinely collected data on prescribing and referrals to secondary care. (2023)
Journal Article
BALL, W.P., BLACK, C., GORDON, S., OSTROVSKA, B., PARANJOTHY, S., RASALAM, A., RITCHIE, D., ROWLANDS, H., RZEWUSKA, M., THOMPSON, E., WILDE, K. and BUTLER, J.E. 2023. Inequalities in children's mental health care: analysis of routinely collected data on prescribing and referrals to secondary care. BMC psychiatry [online], 23, article number 22. Available from:

One in eight children in the United Kingdom are estimated to have a mental health condition, and many do not receive support or treatment. The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mental health and disrupted the delivery of care. Prevalence of p... Read More about Inequalities in children's mental health care: analysis of routinely collected data on prescribing and referrals to secondary care..