Texture-sensitive superpixeling and adaptive thresholding for effective segmentation of sea ice floes in high-resolution optical images.
Journal Article
CHAI, Y., REN, J., HWANG, B., WANG, J., FAN, D., YAN, Y. and ZHU, S. 2021. Texture-sensitive superpixeling and adaptive thresholding for effective segmentation of sea ice floes in high-resolution optical images. IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing [online], 14, pages 577-586. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1109/jstars.2020.3040614
Efficient and accurate segmentation of sea ice floes from high-resolution optical (HRO) remote sensing images is crucial for understanding of sea ice evolutions and climate changes, especially in coping with the large data volume. Existing methods su... Read More about Texture-sensitive superpixeling and adaptive thresholding for effective segmentation of sea ice floes in high-resolution optical images..