Ship detection and identification for maritime security and safety based on IMO numbers using deep learning.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KHAN, M.M.H., LIU, Z., PRABHU, R., ZHENG, H. and JAVIED, A. 2024. Ship detection and identification for maritime security and safety based on IMO numbers using deep learning. In Bouma, H., Prabhu, R., Yitzhahy, Y. and Kuijf, H.J. (eds.) Advanced materials, biomaterials, and manufacturing technologies for security and defence II: proceedings of the 2024 SPIE Security + defence, 16-20 September 2024, Edinburgh, UK. Proceedings of SPIE, 13206. Bellingham, WA: SPIE [online], paper 1320608. Available from:
In marine safety and security, the ability to rapidly, autonomously, and accurately detect and identify ships is the highest priority. This study presents a novel approach using deep learning to accurately identify ships based on their International... Read More about Ship detection and identification for maritime security and safety based on IMO numbers using deep learning..