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Old, new, borrowed and blue: shifts in modern policing. (2021)
Journal Article
DAHL, J.Y, FYFE, N.R., GUNDHUS, H.O.I., LARSSON, P., SKJEVRAK, P.E., RUNHOVDE, S.R. and VESTBY, A. 2022. Old, new, borrowed and blue: shifts in modern policing. British journal of criminology [online], 62(4), pages 931-947. Available from:

This article analyses ambiguity and complexity in proactive policing practices and identifies the paradox that despite the focus on increasing proactivity, police work remains strongly reactive. Drawing on a set of Norwegian case studies of policing... Read More about Old, new, borrowed and blue: shifts in modern policing..

Pointer-based item-to-item collaborative filtering recommendation system using a machine learning model. (2021)
Journal Article
IWENDI, C., IBEKE, E., EGGONI, H., VELAGALA, S. and SRIVASTAVA, G. 2022. Pointer-based item-to-item collaborative filtering recommendation system using a machine learning model. International journal of information technology and decision making [online], 21(1), pages 463-484. Available from:

The creation of digital marketing has enabled companies to adopt personalized item recommendations for their customers. This process keeps them ahead of the competition. One of the techniques used in item recommendation is known as item-based recomme... Read More about Pointer-based item-to-item collaborative filtering recommendation system using a machine learning model..

Muscle strength and muscle mass as predictors of hospital length of stay in patients with moderate to severe COVID‐19: a prospective observational study. (2021)
Journal Article
GIL, S., FILHO, W.J., SHINJO, S.K., FERRIOLLI, E., BUSSE, A.L., AVELINO-SILVA, T.J., LONGOBARDI, I., DE OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, G.N., SWINTON, P., GUALANO, B., ROSCHEL, H. and the HCFMUSP COVID-19 Study Group. 2021. Muscle strength and muscle mass as predictors of hospital length of stay in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19: a prospective observational study. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle [online], 12(6), pages 1871-1878. Available from:

Background: Strength and muscle mass are predictors of relevant clinical outcomes in critically ill patients, but in hospitalized patients with COVID-19, it remains to be determined. In this prospective observational study, we investigated whether mu... Read More about Muscle strength and muscle mass as predictors of hospital length of stay in patients with moderate to severe COVID‐19: a prospective observational study..

The concentration and biomagnification of trace metals and metalloids across four trophic levels in a marine food web. (2021)
Journal Article
MADGETT, A.S., YATES, K., WEBSTER, L., MCKENZIE, C. and MOFFAT, C.F. 2021. The concentration and biomagnification of trace metals and metalloids across four trophic levels in a marine food web. Marine pollution bulletin [online], 173, part A, article 112929. Available from:

To be able to assess progress towards “Good Environmental Status” adopted across European Member States, and by the United Kingdom through its 3-stage Marine Strategy, contaminant concentrations and their biological effects need to be assessed in env... Read More about The concentration and biomagnification of trace metals and metalloids across four trophic levels in a marine food web..

Review of existing energy retrofit decision tools for homeowners. (2021)
Journal Article
SEDDIKI, M., BENNADJI, A., LAING, R., GRAY, D. and ALABID, J.M. 2021. Review of existing energy retrofit decision for homeowners. Sustainability [online], 13(18), article 10189. Available from:

Energy retrofit tools are considered by many countries as one of the strongest incentives to encourage homeowners to invest in energy renovation. These tools help homeowners to get an initial overview of suitable retrofit measures. Although a large n... Read More about Review of existing energy retrofit decision tools for homeowners..

MTFFNet: a multi-task feature fusion framework for Chinese painting classification. (2021)
Journal Article
JIANG, W., WANG, X., REN, J., LI, S., SUN, M., WANG, Z. and JIN, J.S. 2021. MTFFNet: a multi-task feature fusion framework for Chinese painting classification. Cognitive computation [online], 13(5), pages 1287-1296. Available from:

Different artists have their unique painting styles, which can be hardly recognized by ordinary people without professional knowledge. How to intelligently analyze such artistic styles via underlying features remains to be a challenging research prob... Read More about MTFFNet: a multi-task feature fusion framework for Chinese painting classification..

A novel robust low-rank multi-view diversity optimization model with adaptive-weighting based manifold learning. (2021)
Journal Article
TAN, J., YANG, Z., REN, J., WANG, B., CHENG, Y. and LING, W.-K. 2021. A novel robust low-rank multi-view diversity optimization model with adaptive-weighting based manifold learning. Pattern recognition [online], 122, articles 108298. Available from:

Multi-view clustering has become a hot yet challenging topic, due mainly to the independence of and information complementarity between different views. Although good results are achieved to a certain extent from typical methods including multi-view... Read More about A novel robust low-rank multi-view diversity optimization model with adaptive-weighting based manifold learning..

Optical fibre-based sensors for oil and gas applications. (2021)
Journal Article
JOHNY, J., AMOS, S. and PRABHU, R. 2021. Optical fibre-based sensors for oil and gas applications. Sensors [online], 21(8), article 6047. Available from:

Oil and gas (O&G) explorations moving into deeper zones for enhanced oil and gas recovery are causing serious safety concerns across the world. The sensing of critical multiple parameters like high pressure, high temperature (HPHT), chemicals, etc.,... Read More about Optical fibre-based sensors for oil and gas applications..

SpaSSA: superpixelwise adaptive SSA for unsupervised spatial-spectral feature extraction in hyperspectral image. (2021)
Journal Article
SUN, G., FU, H., REN, J., ZHANG, A., ZABALZA, J., JIA, X. and ZHAO, H. 2022. SpaSSA: superpixelwise adaptive SSA for unsupervised spatial-spectral feature extraction in hyperspectral image. IEEE transactions on cybernetics [online], 52(7), pages 6158-6169. Available from:

Singular spectral analysis (SSA) has recently been successfully applied to feature extraction in hyperspectral image (HSI), including conventional (1-D) SSA in spectral domain and 2-D SSA in spatial domain. However, there are some drawbacks, such as... Read More about SpaSSA: superpixelwise adaptive SSA for unsupervised spatial-spectral feature extraction in hyperspectral image..

A critical review of improved deep learning methods for the remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries. (2021)
Journal Article
WANG, S., JIN, S., BAI, D., FAN, Y., SHI, H. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2021. A critical review of improved deep learning methods for the remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries. Energy reports [online], 7, pages 5562-5574. Available from:

As widely used for secondary energy storage, lithium-ion batteries have become the core component of the power supply system and accurate remaining useful life prediction is the key to ensure its reliability. Because of the complex working characteri... Read More about A critical review of improved deep learning methods for the remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries..

Student and pre-registration pharmacist performance in a UK prescribing assessment. (2021)
Journal Article
POWER, A., STEWART, D., CRAIG, G., BOYTER, A., REID, F., STEWART, F., CUNNINGHAM, S. and MAXWELL, S. 2022. Student and pre-registration pharmacist performance in a UK prescribing assessment. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 44(1), pages 100-109. Available from:

Student and pre-registration pharmacist performance in a UK Prescribing Assessment': room for improvement and need for curricular change Background Increasingly the global policy direction is for patient-facing pharmacist prescribers. The 'UK Prescri... Read More about Student and pre-registration pharmacist performance in a UK prescribing assessment..

Central bank's communication and markets' reactions: Polish evidence. (2021)
Journal Article
BRZESZCZYŃSKI, J., GAJDKA, J., SCHABEK, T., and KUTAN, A.M. 2023. Central bank's communication and markets' reactions: Polish evidence. International journal of emerging markets [online], 18(9), pages 2544-2580. Available from:

This study contributes to the pool of knowledge about the impact of monetary policy communication of central banks on financial instruments' prices and assets' value in emerging markets. Empirical analysis is executed using the National Bank of Polan... Read More about Central bank's communication and markets' reactions: Polish evidence..

Pulse train generation in a distributed gain fibre amplifier. (2021)
Journal Article
ATUBA, S. 2021. Pulse train generation in a distributed gain fibre amplifier. Results in optics [online], 5, pages 100136. Available from:

This work shows the generation of an array of chirped compressed periodic waves with distributed gain in a nonlinear fibre. In particular, with suitable tailoring of the gain to vary along the longitudinal distance while the dispersion and nonlineari... Read More about Pulse train generation in a distributed gain fibre amplifier..

Social work and social care: mapping workforce engagement, relevance, experience and interest in research. (2021)
Journal Article
WAKEFIELD, J., LAVENDER, S., NIXON, K., HORNBY, S., DOBEL-OBER, D., LAMBLEY-BURKE, R., SPOLANDER, G., BONNER, P., MALLEN, C. and CAMPBEL, P. 2022. Social work and social care: mapping workforce engagement, relevance, experience and interest in research. British journal of social work [online], 52(4), pages 2291-2311. Available from:

Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been promoted within social work/social care, with emerging evidence of benefit to practitioners and service users. Advocates argue that EBP enables practitioners to have the skills to interpret and evaluate evidence... Read More about Social work and social care: mapping workforce engagement, relevance, experience and interest in research..

Warm-up intensity does not affect the ergogenic effect of sodium bicarbonate in adult men. (2021)
Journal Article
JONES, R.L., STELLINGWERFF, T., SWINTON, P., ARTIOLI, G.G., SAUNDERS, B. and SALE, C. 2021. Warm-up intensity does not affect the ergogenic effect of sodium bicarbonate in adult men. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism [online], 31(6), pages 482-489. Available from:

This study determined the influence of a high- (HI) versus low-intensity (LI) cycling warm-up on blood acid-base responses and exercise capacity following ingestion of sodium bicarbonate (SB; 0.3 g/kg body mass) or a placebo (PLA; maltodextrin) 3 hr... Read More about Warm-up intensity does not affect the ergogenic effect of sodium bicarbonate in adult men..

Reassessing thermal comfort in modern architecture: E.1027 as a case study. (2021)
Journal Article
GALIANO-GARRIGÓS, A., MARCOS, C.L., KOUIDER, T. and JUAN GUTIÉRREZ, P.J. 2022. Reassessing thermal comfort in modern architecture: E.1027 as a case study. Building research and information [online], 50(1-2): building health and wellbeing, pages 230-254. Available from:

There is a general agreement that much of the syntax of modern architecture contributed to design buildings that were often inadequately adapted to climate conditions. However, there are some renowned examples that, while consistent with modern tenet... Read More about Reassessing thermal comfort in modern architecture: E.1027 as a case study..

Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet. (2021)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. and BURNETT, S. 2022. Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet. Digital journalism [online], 10(6): the Coronavirus pandemic and the transformation of (digital) journalism, pages 1098-1114. Available from:

This article analyses news sources used by women to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK parenting website Mumsnet. By using a non-political online ‘third space’ aimed at women, Mumsnetters are able to avoid the aggression women face when they att... Read More about Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet..

A retrospective investigation of the perceived influence of coaches, parents and peers on talented football players’ motivation during development. (2021)
Journal Article
MCCANN, B., MCCARTHY, P.J., COOPER, K., FORBES-MCKAY, K. and KEEGAN, R.J. 2022. A retrospective investigation of the perceived influence of coaches, parents and peers on talented football players’ motivation during development. Journal of applied sport psychology [online], 34(6), pages 1227-1250. Available from:

This study retrospectively explored perceptions of coach, parent and peer motivational influences across athlete development. Four investment stage football players (M age = 18.5years, SD=0.6) with an average of 13 (SD=1.4) years footballing experien... Read More about A retrospective investigation of the perceived influence of coaches, parents and peers on talented football players’ motivation during development..

Listening and recording in situ: entanglement in the sociopolitical context of place. (2021)
Journal Article
ZEĆO, M. 2021. Listening and recording in situ: entanglement in the sociopolitical context of place. Organised sound [online], 26(2), 284-290. Available from:

This article considers the ways in which soundwalking and field recording entangle the listener in a sociopolitical relationship with place. The place is a physical site in which the listener encounters complex sonic sociopolitical factors, shaped no... Read More about Listening and recording in situ: entanglement in the sociopolitical context of place..

Defining legacy: a critical comparison of legacy literature definitions and the legacy objectives of the 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup. (2021)
Journal Article
DAVIES, R. 2021. Defining legacy: a critical comparison of legacy literature definitions and the legacy objectives of the 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup. International journal of management and applied science [online], 7(8), pages 12-18. Available from:

In 2022 the Gulf State of Qatar will host the 22nd FIFA World Cup. This tournament follows on from a series of sporting mega events where the principle of legacy is embedded within its delivery and purpose. While claims for creating legacies are wide... Read More about Defining legacy: a critical comparison of legacy literature definitions and the legacy objectives of the 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup..