'Context is half the work': developing doctoral research through arts practice in culture.
Book Chapter
DOUGLAS, A. 2016. 'Context is half the work': developing doctoral research through arts practice in culture. In Cartiere, C. and Zebracki, M. (eds.) The everyday practice of public art: art, space and social inclusion. Abingdon: Routledge [online], chapter 8. Available at: https://www.routledge.com/The-Everyday-Practice-of-Public-Art-Art-Space-and-Social-Inclusion/Cartiere-Zebracki/p/book/9781138829213
In 2001-4, a small research team of post doctoral and doctoral artist researchers, working with five cultural partners drew together two apparently incommensurable issues: remote rural culture and contemporary art. The thrust of their questions was s... Read More about 'Context is half the work': developing doctoral research through arts practice in culture..