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Interventions for preventing falls in people with multiple sclerosis. (2017)
HAYES, S., KENNEDY, C., GALVIN, R., FINLAYSON, M., MCGUIGAN, C., WALSH, C.D. and COOTE, S. 2017. Interventions for preventing falls in people with multiple sclerosis. [Protocol]. Cochrane database of systematic reviews [online], 2017(1), article number CD012475. Available from:

This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The aim of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce the rate of falls in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Specific objectives include comparing the e... Read More about Interventions for preventing falls in people with multiple sclerosis..

Piloting the United Kingdon 'Prescribing Safety Assessment' with pharmacist prescribers in Scotland. (2017)
Journal Article
REID, F., POWER, A., STEWART, D., WATSON, A., ZLOTOS, L., CAMPBELL, D., MCINTOSH, T. and MAXWELL, S. 2017. Piloting the United Kingdon 'Prescribing Safety Assessment' with pharmacist prescribers in Scotland. Research in social and administrative pharmacy [online], 14(1), pages 62-68. Available from:

Background: Prescribing is a complex task requiring considerable knowledge and skills. The Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) was developed by the British Pharmacological Society and the United Kingdom (UK) Medical Schools Council. Between February... Read More about Piloting the United Kingdon 'Prescribing Safety Assessment' with pharmacist prescribers in Scotland..

Effect of short term water exposure on the mechanical properties of halloysite nanotubes-multi layer graphene reinforced polyester nanocomposites. (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper
SAHARUDIN, M.S., ATIF, R. and INAM, F. 2017. Effect of short term water exposure on the mechanical properties of halloysite nanotubes-multi layer graphene reinforced polyester nanocomposites. Preprints [online]. Available from:

The influence of short term water absorption on the mechanical properties of halloysite nanotubes-multi layer graphene reinforced polyester hybrid nanocomposites has been investigated. The addition of nano-fillers significantly increased the flexural... Read More about Effect of short term water exposure on the mechanical properties of halloysite nanotubes-multi layer graphene reinforced polyester nanocomposites..

Optimizing the use of oral anticoagulant therapy for atrial fibrilation in primary care: a pharmacist-led intervention. (2017)
Journal Article
VIRDEE, M.S. and STEWART, D. 2017. Optimizing the use of oral anticoagulant therapy for atrial fibrilation in primary care: a pharmacist-led intervention. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 39(1), pages 173-180. Available from:

Background: Updated evidence-based guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation (AF) necessitate patient review, particularly with respect to oral anticoagulants, to ensure maximum health gain around stroke prophylaxis. Objective To quantify... Read More about Optimizing the use of oral anticoagulant therapy for atrial fibrilation in primary care: a pharmacist-led intervention..

Multi-residue determination of micropollutants in Phragmites australis from constructed wetlands using microwave assisted extraction and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. (2017)
Journal Article
PETRIE, B., SMITH, B.D., YOUDAN, J., BARDEN, R. and KASPRZYK-HORDERN, B. 2017. Multi-residue determination of micropollutants in Phragmites australis from constructed wetlands using microwave assisted extraction and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica chimica acta [online], 959, pages 91-101. Available from:

In constructed wetlands, micropollutants can be removed from water by phytoremediation. However, micropollutant uptake and metabolism by plants here is poorly understood due to the lack of good analytical approaches. Reported herein is the first meth... Read More about Multi-residue determination of micropollutants in Phragmites australis from constructed wetlands using microwave assisted extraction and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry..

Storia dei media digitali: rivoluzioni e continuità. (2017)
Journal Article
LEUZZI, L. 2017. Storia dei media digitali: rivoluzioni e continuità. Journal of Italian cinema and media studies [online], 5(1), pages 126-128. Available from:

This is a review of the work by Gabriele Balbi and Paolo Magaudda, titled "Storia dei media digitali: rivoluzioni e continuità" ("History of the digital media: revolutions and continuity"). This book traces the socio-cultural history of three digital... Read More about Storia dei media digitali: rivoluzioni e continuità..